Well, I’ve got some news for you guys. Many of you know that the once-Pre-Husband, now Full-Fledged-Awesome-Husband and I have been living in Hawaii on the island of Oahu for a while now. But we’re over it. We just got married, and have decided to move back to the beautiful Pacific Northwest, where we both…
Unconventional Wellness
The Truth About Whole Grain Labels and Packaging Claims
Did you know that labels claimed on packaged foods such as “Whole Grain,” “Multigrain” or “7 (or take your pick of number)-Grain” have been given no legal definition by the FDA? Very much in the same way that companies can claim their products to be “All Natural,” these labels mean virtually nothing. There is no…
How Sex Could Hurt Your Gut Health
Yep, I just went there. We’re gonna have ourselves a little sex talk for the first time here at BB. It’s important stuff — because understanding what impacts gut health can impact you or your future children’s health. All disease begins in the gut. So for optimal health, we need optimal gut health. And sex…
I Stopped Using Toothpaste.
I know, I know. I’m being a dirty hippie again. But hear me out. You just might go for this one. I don’t know about you, but I have always HATED toothpaste. Hated. it. The overly-minty-fakeness of it, the soapy weird feeling in my mouth, the slimy residue left over… disgusting. I used to rinse…
Dear Tofu Lover (An Open Letter)
Dear reader who recently purchased 9.7 pounds of tofu on Amazon through my link, Firstly, please allow me to thank you for your support! That 86 cents really did make me smile. Twenty or so more of those whopping commissions and I’ll be able to pay for another giveaway prize! Now, I’m going to go ahead and…
The Most Potent Antioxidant On the Planet
In our last post, I mentioned that I have been taking a supplement to help boost my antioxidant intake, thereby protecting me from dangerous levels of radiation and other oxidative stress. This is something I take daily, year-round, whether or not I’m going to be exposed to radiation while traveling. This stuff is amazing. Not only…
Why ‘The Biggest Loser’ Loses When it Comes to Nutrition
I had a really cool experience recently that doesn’t exactly happen every day. I got to see one of my friends, on TV! My awesome, funny, kind-hearted and compassionate friend, Patrick Ferrari, was cast on this season of NBC’s hit show, The Biggest Loser. I told him as soon as I found out he had…
Why I Am Never Getting My Cholesterol Levels Checked Again
I am not afraid of cholesterol. If you’ve been following this blog for even just a little while, this probably doesn’t surprise you a whole lot. I’m not exactly too keen on following the advice of the USDA or other government agencies, nor most doctors who are absolutely clueless when it comes to nutrition. I…
What Would You Do if You Got Cancer?
“You have cancer.” The tragically-common, often literal death sentence no one wants to hear. What do you do? How do you respond to those life-threatening words? I may have a somewhat unpopular opinion when it comes to this. If I were told I had cancer? What I would not do is subject myself to conventional…
Is Agave Nectar a Healthy Sweetener?
Ahh…agave. Nectar of the gods. Traditional sweetener dating back thousands of years. The healthiest sugar substitute a diabetic can hope for. Right? Sorry, you’ve been duped. Last week in our discussion of healthy sweeteners, I briefly mentioned that agave nectar absolutely does NOT belong on our list of natural alternatives to processed sugar. Agave nectar,…