The Real Food Guide for the Rest of Us
How to Eat Healthy Without Going Completely CrazyIf you love steak, butter, and bacon, but you don’t love agonizing over every little dietary decision or stressing out about the latest fad about how you’re “supposed to” eat, there is another way.
This easy-to-follow guide will help you avoid the pitfalls and overwhelm of trying to do the “healthy eating” thing right.
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Are you a “Real Foodie?”
Or are you new to the idea that foods like butter, bacon, and whole milk are good for you?
Or maybe, like me, you’ve been at this real food thing for a while now, but are starting to get a little burnt out from all the rules and the pressure to do everything right?
I love real food, but I don’t like the crazy that tends to accompany healthy eating.
I love grass-fed steaks, pastured eggs, raw milk ice cream, and bacon.
But I don’t love agonizing over every little dietary decision I’m faced with, spending hours planning out and preparing perfectly wholesome meals 7 days a week, and dealing with the overwhelming stress of making sure every last thing I eat is perfectly prepared according to someone else’s standards for what I should eat.
That’s why I wrote Real Food for Real Life: How To Eat Healthy Without Going Completely Crazy.
I wanted to put all my thoughts on eating healthy food, in a healthy way, into a simple and easy-to-follow guide to help people avoid the pitfalls of trying so hard to do the “real food” thing right.
In This Book You’ll Discover
The history of what has happened to our food supply, and why it’s so messed up these days.
Why the so-called “experts” are wrong about things like cholesterol and saturated fat (they don’t cause heart disease!)
Nutrition basics, based on scientific evidence and common sense.
How to read labels and know what’s really in your food.
From beef to bacon, milk to mayonnaise—how to choose and prioritize healthy foods.
Techniques for making the transition to a better diet for you and your family as painless as possible.
How to prevent yourself from slipping into dietary perfectionism, and the damaging stress that can cause.
Plus over 30 tasty and simple recipes to get you started cooking healthy, wholesome food right away.
What Readers Are Saying
Thank God…finally some common sense. Love it. I’m new to the whole thing but all the “eat that and die” talk has kept me from totally going for it. I don’t plan to eat junk but once in a while to go out with friends would be nice. Now I know I can!
Kathy C.Yes! I’ve been on diets before and they usually are an “all or nothing” thing. When you can’t stick to it 100% you end up giving up and going back to the “bad” way of eating! Ever since I found out about real food and listening to your body, it has been freeing! I can eat that brownie without feeling like I’ve ruined my life! Thank you, Butter Believer! You’re one of my favorite blogs to follow!
Blaire S.I’ve always been a “black or white” kind of person, but now that I can see the grey areas when it comes to real foods, I am SO much less stressed. And I finally feel great in mind and body. The stress was so much worse for me than the “bad” things I consumed from time to time.
Spring L.I am pretty new to the “real food” world and it can definitely be overwhelming at times. But, I have to give you props… Your book is the most realistic, down to earth, SANE approach that I have seen so far! When I find my head spinning from reading my fifth article about why this is bad, that is good, NEVER do this, ALWAYS do that, you come along with something like this that makes me realize it doesn’t have to be so complicated. Thank you!
Kerry T.Are you ready to eat what you love, and love what you eat—stress-free?
My take on real food may be a bit different than what you’re used to, if you’ve been exposed to this at all, but I think you’ll find that it provides you with a sense of relief and a renewed ambition to make the most of what you eat, while enjoying the heck out of it at the same time.
Real food is simple. And it’s not reserved for only the high-brow, neo-hippy yuppsters perusing the kombucha aisle at the Whole Foods.
Real Food for Real Life is for the rest of us, who just want to eat well and be normal. It’s my sincere hope that this book will help you to develop a conscious, balanced, health-promoting and enjoyable relationship with the food you eat.
Not sure if this is the book for you?
It’s my sincere belief that real food is for everyone. But this book I have written, is not. On my blog and social media outlets, I frequently encounter people who just don’t really get what I’m all about. Some think I’m far too relaxed on all the real food “rules.” Others think I’m out to kill people by telling them to eat lard and ditch their statin drugs. And some just think that people like me who are against the abusive and toxic industrialized food system are crazy conspiracy theorists.
So, if for whatever reason, instead of nodding in agreement as you read along, and feeling relieved of pressure and motivated to eat a healthy, satisfying, sustainable diet, you find yourself not feeling it and don’t agree with my point of view—that’s fine! I’m happy to send you your money back. Just send me an email and I’ll take care of it, no problem.
WAIT!!! Get Real Food for Real Life for FREE!
Are you SERIOUS about improving your sleep, your eating habits, and your overall wellness? Want to get Real Food for Real Life for FREE?
…how about if I toss in my OTHER e-book, The Sleep Solution, for FREE too?
Right now, I’m offering BOTH ebooks—a combined retail value of $54.90—100% FREE, when you order a Premium Starter Kit from Young Living Essential Oils through me! Yup.
Finally get yourself started with those essential oils everyone keeps talking about, with a screaming deal on a kit of 11 bottles of the highest-quality essential oils on the planet, plus a diffuser, and lots of other goodies, and I will personally GIVE YOU both of my ebooks as a thank you gift, to welcome you into my little oily family.
So to get BOTH ebooks, for FREE, just head on over to this page and sign yourself up for a super awesome kit of Young Living’s most-loved essential oils shipped right to your door.
Get your Premium Starter Kit with Young Living Essential Oils & your FREE ebooks HERE
PLEASE NOTE: This ebook is a digital product. After purchase, you will be emailed a link to download the book. You will then be able to download it and save it to your computer immediately. This is not a hardback or paperback book available in print. If you have any further questions, you are welcome to email me .
The information contained in this book is for informational and entertainment purposes only. I am not a doctor or healthcare professional. Any health advice that I give is my opinion based on my general experience and knowledge, but not specific to you. Always seek the advice of your own physician or other health professionals before acting on something that I have published or recommended.
By reading this book, you agree that my company and myself are not responsible for your health or the health of your dependents. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are therefore not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
About the Author

Emily Benfit
I’m Emily. I’m a writer and health nerd, and I believe that eating the right foods and doing the things that keep you healthy doesn’t have to be hard. I believe in food that doesn’t come from factories. Real food. Traditional food. Food the way it used to be, before we had to start adding adjectives to it like “organic” and “natural.”
I believe food should come from farms. Dinner should be made in kitchens. Families should be nourished, not merely fed. If you believe so too, join me on my website, Butter I’d love to get to know you better. We’re a growing community and we’d love to have you on board.
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