The Environmental Working Group wants you to eat less meat. Why? To save the planet, of course! The EWG believes that meat production leads to some major environmental health issues, such as water and soil pollution, greenhouse gases, and a hefty carbon footprint. Their new Meat Eater’s Guide to Climate Change and Health says…
Unconventional Wellness
What’s In My Milk? Part Two: Real (Raw) Milk
Last week we discussed how real dairy doesn’t come from abused cows in CAFO’s, with repulsively giant, drugged-up udders, seeping pus and antibiotics into the milk. So, where does real milk come from, then? Responsible farmers know that the cow is an herbivore, designed to live on grass. A real dairy farmer would never feed…
Brush Your Bod: A Foodless Tip
You brush your hair. You brush your teeth. You brush ya’ shouldas off. But have you ever brushed your whole body? Allow me to introduce you to your new favorite thing: dry skin brushing. Behold: (I have nothing to do with the makers of this video, I just think it does a good…
What’s In My Milk? Part One: Industrialized Dairy
Got $23 million dollars a year to spend on celebrity endorsements and a national ad campaign? The dairy industry does! Commercial dairy farmers Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations are surely, and not-so-slowly, monopolizing the world of milk. Straight from the cow’s mouth: There were 65,000 milk cow operations in 2009 compared to 97,460 in 2001, a…
[hippie hacks] Three Favorite Real Food Beauty Tips
Okay. Sometimes it’s not ALL about the butter around here. Hippie Hacks. This will be a new series of mine, because let’s face it; if you a.) live in an off-grid house b.) don’t use a blowdryer since your solar panels will get too overdrawn c.) actually possess a COMPOSTABLE TOILET. Or, d.) all of…
$93.38 Worth of Protein Powder… In the Trash
This sucks. But I have to do it. I bought these large, expensive jugs of hyper-processed protein particles and diet supplement powders at the end of last year, as a part of a nearly life-long effort to gain weight. And today, I am dumping them out in the trash. Oh, you read that right, by…
Why I Literally Cannot Stomach Buying CAFO Anymore
This past holiday weekend, at a seemingly innocent celebratory social gathering with friends at the beach, something awful happened to PH and I. Stomach-turningly, gut-disruptingly, immune-compromisingly…awful. We each partook of a completely normal, barbecued rib eye steak bought at the supermarket. It was…gritty. Chewy. Stringy. With end notes of environmental pollution and sulfuric gas. It…
Trouble in Paradise? GMO Hawaiian Papayas A Concern for Consumers
When I think of GMO foods, that is, crops which have been altered from their natural state by means of genetic engineering, there’s a short list that pops into my head — corn, soybeans, canola, cottonseed — the big boys, the brainchildren of Monsanto. They’re the crops that largely fall under their corporate control, in…
Is the Word “Sea” in Front of my Salt, Good Enough?
One of the major politically-correct nutritional trends a Real Foodie learns to ignore is the idea that salt is bad for you. Why? The nutritional notion from the “experts” that the sodium in salt causes hypertension, or high blood pressure, has been drilled into our heads for years. And what health problems does hypertension pose?…
Butter is Better!
Ah, butter. I knew I always loved you. Though, there was a time in my life when I was told to replace you with an oily, yellow-colored spread, which tried but could never match your palatable perfection. There was a time when to spread your sweet creaminess over a piece of toast was a decadent…