I’m kind of the last person who should be running a home-based business.
I’m extremely disorganized, a master procrastinator, have an attention span that your average five-year-old could easily rival (and the patience to match), and also exceptionally poor time management skills. Why is this a problem when you’re a blogger and a book author?
Well, when you sell books on your blog, you have to do things like:
- Write books.
- Write things about your books.
- Not get sick of writing things about your books and of basically begging people to buy them.
- Charge relatively high prices for your books, because of the limited number of people who will be buying them and also to compensate for the crazy amount of time you have to spend writing things about your books + subsequent begging.
- Feel bad about the relatively high prices you’re charging, but accept the cloud of guilt hanging over you and growing with every purchase notification email that someone spent their money on your book by verbally thanking them for it, which they of course will never know about but it makes you feel better for about five seconds.
- Not stop writing things about your books. Or begging. So that people still see and buy them. So that you can pay for groceries.
- Also beg fellow bloggers to write things about your books.
- Keep track of how many books fellow bloggers sold for you and then pay them for it.
- Keep track of how often you’re begging people to buy books so you make sure you keep doing it. So you can keep buying groceries.
- Be available for customer service requests and answer emails that come in almost exclusively over the weekends in which people need help getting the books because the book-delivering service doesn’t really make the whole process all that self-explanatory.
- Not get irritated when people get irritated with you for not helping people get the books fast enough.
- Or when people get irritated that the book has not arrived to their doorstep because it’s not a book-book it’s an ebook but Shirley from Oklahoma is a thousand percent convinced that you owe her a book-book because she doesn’t have a computer yet she magically bought your ebook online and is also emailing you so you’d better go print one off for her and stick it in the mail before she calls the President on you for stealing her money.
What’s an ill-equipped self-employed author to do?
Amazon saves the day
I’m kinda over it, you guys. In case you couldn’t tell. I really want to be done selling the ebooks here on my site, because it’s such an unbelievable pain in the ass and I’m really not cut out for it.
But I do love writing books. And I love that a lot of my peeps want to support me by buying them. So I figured out a way to make all of that better for both me and for the peeps—Amazon Kindle.
People go to Amazon to buy books. That means that I reach a lot more people who may be interested in buying my books, by having them on Amazon instead of only just on my blog. And that means that I can charge less for them, because more people will be buying them. It also means that I don’t have to do a single shred of time-wasting and hair-tearing customer service anymore. And a lot less not-so-shameless self-promotion. And I’ll have more time to write MORE books. Everyone is gonna be so much happier.
So, I’m going to be doing a thing where you only have your books for sale on Amazon, and not anywhere else (including this site). I’m starting that on June 1st.
That means that this is your last chance to get my ebooks from me here on this site, in PDF format which you can read on your computer, phone, tablet, or even your Kindle or other reading device.
Close-out sale: Now through the end of the month
The deal is this: both books, in one download package, for five dollars.
Both Real Food for Real Life: How to Eat Healthy Without Going Completely Crazy; and The Sleep Solution: End Your Insomnia Naturally, together for $5 buckareenies.
Don’t want both? Sorry. You get both. (You should probably have both anyway.)
It’s a great deal, considering that the original prices for these books were $24.95 and $29.95, respectively.
That means that this is a 91% off sale.
Sold? Go ahead and click this button below to check out now:
Thank you, thank you, thank you, sincerely, for all your support. I have been absolutely blown away by how many people have reached out to me in the last year or so to tell me how one of these books has changed their life for the better, which is the whole point of me doing this and writing these things in the first place. I’m so looking forward to making it easier and better for all of us. And that includes doing this special sale, before the big transition to Kindle.
Just please, Shirley, do us both a favor and keep your five dollars this time. There’s plenty of book-books at the library, you know.
I <3 you guys.
I am not sure you should see yourself as begging people to buy your books. You are doing all the things that you are supposed to be doing to sell your books, well except for the Shirley from Oklahoma customer lol. Which is what a lot of writers fail to do.
To be honest with you I think that a lot of what you are doing, perhaps with the exception of physically handling your inventory, you are still going to have to do. Plus you will probably have to charge even more if Amazon are going to take anything between 30% to 65% of your sale price. Amazon is a great marketing machine, but only when your books are actually selling. Fail to sell and it is into oblivion with you!
That said if you do start selling in decent quantities and continue to write more and more books, everything you say will come true, so I hope that turns out to be your story.
Actually well I think about it, you may want to consider Createspace print on demand, they handle all the physical inventory and shipping plus formatting a paperback is not a lot different to formatting an eBook, in some ways easier. So all those little old ladies thinking about their first computer could actually buy your books through Amazon. Just a thought.
Haha, thanks Brian. Yeah, Createspace is a great option for the Shirley’s of the world, for sure. I plan on looking into that.
I pay my affiliates 50%, so Amazon taking 30% (I plan on pricing within the 70% commission window) is fine by me. And yeah, I know that I’ll still have to work things on the marketing end, but once you get the momentum, Amazon sure helps keep sales up for you (which doesn’t happen in the least with what I’ve been doing).
Anyway. Thanks again. Good thoughts. 🙂
lol. I started reading your blog the past couple days and the irony I find is that your blog is super clean. From the detail in your IM to the detail you put in your posts (I printed out your jello and mg gummies last night and made them with my daughter :)) it’s anything but disorganized.
To be more relevant, I think the reason Matt Stone and a lot of people give away a lot of things like their books for free or super cheap is because it’s publicity in itself. It drives more people to their blog and creates a deeper relationship by them reading it than if they hadn’t.
I know writing your books must have been a labor of love so I understand if that sounds lame. What if you were to give away a chapter as a free ebook/lead magnet to further encourage deeper reader investment? I think your content I’ve read is really excellent and deserves it. It’s like a digestible quasi Ray Peat, which is sorely lacking out there.
Just my random internet stranger 2c :). I look forward to reading more
Thanks so much, Nathan! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the site. It’s really nice to hear stuff like this from new readers. Wow, a “digestible quasi Ray Peat,” that is actually a really awesome compliment for anyone who knows how amazingly difficult Peat’s stuff is to read and decipher! LOL!
I do have a free chapter preview thing for my first ebook that’s available on the sales page, but I don’t even think I’ll really have a sales page once I shuffle everything over to Kindle. I dunno… I just really hate selling things! I’d rather Amazon do all the work for me. Ooh! Wait, actually—doesn’t Amazon offer free previews for kindle books? Pretty sure they do. I’ll have to take advantage of that, because you’re right that it makes a difference.
That makes me happy that you made my treats. Oh but dude, don’t get freaked out if the gummies get a white powder on them in a few days… the mag powder creepily migrates to the outside after a while. It’s like a sour coating and tastes fine. Just looks a little scary!
Thanks so much again for the encouragement. I feel inspired to work on my next book. Or even *gasp* start blogging regularly again. 😉