I’m super excited to be hosting this giveaway for the book, Nourished Baby by Heather Dessinger! Earlier this week, I explained how I have a new perspective on baby nutrition thanks to this awesome resource. I feel so much more prepared to feed my future kids right when the time comes.
In Nourished Baby, you’ll learn all about:
- How the actual birth experience can affect a child’s cravings for life
- Why a 2001 study of North American women found that their breast milk did not meet the minimum requirements for many essential nutrients –- and how to make sure your baby gets the absolute best at your breast
- How to decode your cravings while nursing
- Why you should skip rice cereal and go for digestion enhancing stews
- What the latest research says on introducing peanuts, eggs and other “allergenic” foods
- Why experts believe purees can lead to overeating
- When children’s “picky” eating habits can actually indicate a serious problem — and how to correct it
- Tips for raising an adventurous eater

Sweet Marrow Custard with Vanilla Bean, one of over 30 baby-friendly, kid-friendly, AND parent-friendly recipes in Nourished Baby!
And now, you can win a copy of the book right here!
How to Enter the Giveaway
Just follow these two easy steps:
1. Click here to visit the Nourished Baby homepage where you can learn more about the book, and get a free sneak-peek preview.
2. Use the Rafflecopter widget below to register your entry, and unlock extra bonus entries!
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Good luck everyone, and feel free to comment below with any questions!
I love Heather’s blog and have been wanting to read her book!
Isn’t she the best?! I love the book because it feels like you’re reading one big, extra-awesome Mommypotamus blog post, instead of a boring nutrition book. 🙂
I really really want to win, does that count? 🙂 I’m so intrigued by that study that says women’s breastmilk isn’t meeting the nutrition standards. I spend a lot of time touting breastmilk as the ideal food for baby on my natural parenting blog, so I’m curious as to the details of that finding. I’m sure you would agree that it is still much preferable to store-bought formula though.
Maybe it gives you extra juju for the Rafflecopter to pick your entry! 😉
Isn’t that terrible about the breastmilk study? I do think that just about any breastmilk is better than store-bought formula, because of the really serious toxins found in it, but I think it’s really important that women become educated about improving their diet before and while nursing because it seems so many are living under the delusion that anything that comes out of the breast is automatic perfect baby food. Which just isn’t true.
I’ve learned SO much from Nourished Baby. I feel really lucky that I have this information now, before I even start having babies!