Don’t you just love a good sale? Well, unless of course said sale involves squeezing oneself into a doorway while being trampled by a stampede of coupon-wielding overzealous shoppers all trying to pounce on the same deals all at once. I pretty much HATE shopping for anything in real, live stores. No matter how good the sale is! It’s always way too overwhelming, time-consuming, and exhausting. And the money you save almost isn’t worth it when you factor in the time it took you to shop.
That’s why I’m REALLY excited about this new online shopping club offered through the Village Green Network. I already use and love the Village Green Marketplace, where I can shop online for real food and healthy living products from companies that are trustworthy and offer the highest-quality food and things I really want. Like sprouted flour, quality coconut oil, fermented cod liver oil, water filtration systems, and all those sorts of things.
But now, my love for online shopping at Village Green has been kicked up a seriously awesome notch—I’m in the Premium club, baby!
Save Big on Your Online Shopping!
The Village Green Network Premium Membership Club is a brand-new membership service that offers exclusive deals on the best brands and products available. If you’re like me, these are companies you already shop at frequently, so the savings really start adding up with Premium club discounts!
Right now, for example, there are big discounts and specials from these companies, like:
- A free $10 gift card to Get Kombucha
- $10 off at Lucky Vitamin
- 15% off your order of gourmet spices from AcroAma Blends (I use these spices and they are AMAZING.)
- $200 off whole home water filtration system from Radiant Life Company
- 15% off your entire order from Perfect Supplements (this is where I buy my fermented cod liver oil)
- 10% off your entire order from Jovial Foods (that’s where I get all my yummy einkorn pasta!)
- A FREE bottle of magnesium oil from Radiant Life Company
Sneak Peak: See What it Looks Like Inside the Club
There are DOZENS and dozens of coupon codes, special sales, and discounts this month at the Premium club, but here’s a sampling of some of the ones that really caught my eye:
Again, these are just a FEW of all the discounts available that I wanted to share as examples. New discounts are added frequently, too, so I’ll be checking back often.
And yes—did you see lil’ ol’ me up there? My ebook, Real Food for Real Life: How to Eat Healthy Without Going Completely Crazy, is available at a discount of 25% off for Premium club members only. There are TONS more ebooks and products from your favorite bloggers in the Premium club for sale at members-only prices. If you’ve been interested in ebooks, meal plans and classes from Holistic Squid, Food Renegade, Mommypotamus, DIY Natural, Thank Your Body, Cave Girl Eats, and more—the savings you’ll get on your ebook purchases alone will more than pay for your membership! Add in all the money you can save on other real food and health products, and it’s a no-brainer.
Save 20% on your membership through this month only!
Would you pay a small membership fee if you knew it would save you hundreds or thousands of dollars in the long run? Duh! Of course you would. That’s why people pay for memberships at places like Costco or Sam’s club.
Village Green Premium is a lot like that—except there’s no junk food or stuff you don’t want at the membership storefront—it’s all 100% real food and healthy products people like us want and buy anyway, from reputable small companies we want to support!
So, what does it cost? You can become a member for just $4.99 a month, or $49 a year. A small price to pay considering how much money you’d easily save month after month.
But, I’ve got good news! Right now, club memberships are available for 20% off—that means a monthly membership is only $3.99 a month! Signing up for that was an easy decision for me, because I know I will easily save WAY more money than that every month on all the things I shop for through Village Green. An even better deal is the yearly membership—you’ll save even more by paying just $39 for a year’s worth of membership savings.
You won’t want to miss out on all the specials and discounts going on all year long for club members. Click here to check it out and learn more—but remember, you only have until the end of June to save 20% on your membership!
I guess we can’t actually SEE what’s available until we actually pay for the membership? 🙁 Although $39 for a year, introductory officer, isn’t bad if the shipping/handling isn’t horrendous.
This sounds like a good deal. Is the shipping and handeling a lot? Also do u know if they ship to Hawaii.