Welcome to Sunday School
Hey everyone! Welcome back to Sunday School! This is our weekly time to teach, learn, share, and reflect on all that is Real Food blogland. I’ll start by posting my usual blurbs and links to my latest favorite blog posts, followed by featured submissions to the carnival, then opening it up for links!
Lesson Notes: Links from Real Food Bloggers
How to Be a Semi-Rural Homesteader: You don’t need to live way out in the country to grow your own food and keep a more self-sufficient home. Jill from The Prairie Homestead teaches us this week how to make the most of a smaller property, and what are some of the most ideal things to start farming and growing on small acreage. I’m definitely planning on implementing a few of her ideas on our little hippie homestead!
Grain-Free Pumpkin Muffins: Oh man. I’m really not crazy about pumpkin pie, but oddly enough, I LOVE most other pumpkin-flavored treats. I got so excited to see this recipe from Lydia at Divine Health! These pumpkin muffins are even GAPS-legal — definitely going into my stash of gut-friendly recipes for when I take the plunge with that!
Letter to Dalton McGuinty: Have you heard about what’s going on in Canada lately on the raw milk front? A farmer named Michael Schmidt is on a hunger strike — his goal is to simply speak with premier McGuinty regarding the legality of this nourishing food in his province. Learn more about this issue and read Nourishing Nancy‘s poignant, inspiring letter to Mr. McGuinty, urging him to meet with Michael and bring freedom back to his people.
Teachers of the Week!
Be sure to submit your posts to the carnival for a chance to be featured here! I will also “like” your blog on Facebook and tag you when I link to Sunday School from the B.B. page!
Loss of Appetite on GAPS: This post by Megh of Yolks, Kefir, & Gristle was so eye-opening to me. Having worked as a behavioral interventionist, my first reaction to children refusing to eat a meal is not exactly one of compassion. My general rule is, “this is what’s for dinner, if you don’t eat it, you don’t eat.” But what if there are physiological changes at play, as opposed to simply chosen or learned behaviors, causing children to refuse new foods especially when on the GAPS diet? Megh herself experienced this, and shares her thoughts on how sometimes the body just won’t allow you to eat what you need to, until it’s ready. So fascinating!
4 New Food Groups All Kids Should Eat: Do you feel pressured to make sure your children “eat their veggies” and meet other nutritional “requirements” that are difficult to enforce? Maybe you ought to focus instead on the four most important foods growing kids need. Learn more about what the best healthy foods for your children are from this post by Emily at Holistic Kid!
Why You Should Care About Food Policy: In her interview with Judith McGeary, founder of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, Lisa of Real Food Digest asks the important questions on issues we all ought to be focused on, if we are concerned with retaining or attaining food freedom and a sustainable food system in our country. I hope you’ll be as inspired as I was when reading this, to do whatever you can to make a difference for the future of our freedom.
Show & Tell — It’s Blog Hop Time!
Classroom Rules:
- Please only link to posts covering Real Food/ healthy lifestyle-related topics. In my eyes, this includesnourishing recipes, articles about (real!) nutrition, tutorials, discussions of food politics, homesteading, tips and tricks for keeping a green, healthy home, and other healthy, holistic living topics! If you’re a B.B. subscriber, you know that I myself don’t only blog about food — sometimes I write about pretty random things — but it all relates to simple, healthy living that goes against the grains of conventional wisdom.
- If you do post a recipe, please don’t include any fake or weird, chemically ingredients! No vegetable oils, processed sugar, white flours (well, maybe here and there is okay, even Sally uses all-purpose flour for pie crust sometimes), hydrolyzed soy protein, powdered eggs/whey/protein/ANYTHING, low-fat fakeness, or other non-real “food” product ingredients! If you’re unsure what Real Food is all about, just poke around this site and the ones listed on my blogroll, and you’ll start to see. Or just raise your hand and someone will call on you! (email or comment.)
- Please update your post with a link back to this Sunday School post, so your readers can get in on all the learnin’ going on here! A simple, “This post is linked to Sunday School at Butter Believer!” is perfect. Just blog carnival courtesy, is all!
- I can’t imagine having to do so, but if our rules aren’t followed by certain links, I guess I’ll have to delete them. I’m sure everyone is more than capable of playing nice, though!
Yay! Thanks so much for sharing my post! I posted this week a little bit about clay detox baths. Have a great week!
Yeah! I thought it was so interesting, and made me feel more prepared for what to expect when I go on GAPS, since I already don’t have that great/normal of an appetite. Oddly enough, for a food blogger!
Ooh the clay bath sounds sooo lovely! We don’t have a bath in our bathroom, but there’s an old one Pre-Hubs salvaged from a remodel sitting under our deck, and darn it — I think I might just set it up to be an outdoor bath! I wanna soak in some mud! 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Megh!
Thanks for hosting! I was out of town this week, but I’m playing today. 🙂 See a video clip of my Top 5 Frugal Tips.
Ooh fun!! Gonna go watch it. Thanks, Stacy!
Hi there.
I can’t see the linkies – but I’ve shared :-).
Dang it, that’s what I get for blogging in the wee hours of the morning after coming home from a Halloween party! 😛
Thanks so much for letting me know, Adrienne! I think it’s fixed now.
Thanks for hosting! I posted a review of probiotic chocolate.
Hi Emily,
Thanks for hosting!
I’m sharing my super easy rosemary and lavender soap that is a favorite in our home..
How awesome! I would love to start making soap. Off to go check it out!
Thanks for hosting! And thanks for being such a believer in real butter! We have to make our own from the raw milk we get at the farm here in NYS.
Thank you so much, Leon! Ahh… you lucky duck! I can’t wait to make my own butter. But it will have to be from our own dairy animals, because you can’t buy raw milk here — you can’t even find non-UHT-pasteurized cream! It’s all that super nasty, ultra-scorched stuff. Ugh.
Gonna go check out your tooth pain relief post now — sounds interesting!
Hi Emily, I posted that shrimp broth recipe you asked about. 🙂 There is s Shrimp head stew on there too. . . 🙂
Found your blog via ‘All Diseases Begin in the Gut’ on Facebook. Joining you with a beet borscht recipe! Thanks for hosting!
Hi Emily! Thanks for hosting, and for featuring my post from last week: 4 New Food Groups All Kids Should Eat. This week I’m sharing some suggestions for dishes (and manners!) when visiting a family with a new baby.
Hope you have a great week! 🙂
Hey there! Thanks for the link love – I only just saw this post and hop today! I will definitely jump in on it next week! Great to ‘meet’ you and join forces!
Picking Travel Destinations That Occur To Be Truly