Hey everyone! Welcome back to Sunday School! This is our weekly time to teach, learn, share, and reflect on all that is Real Food blogland. I’ll start by posting my usual blurbs and links to my latest favorite blog posts, followed by featured submissions to the carnival, then opening it up for links!
Lesson Notes: Links from Real Food Bloggers
- Almonds Coated With Jet Fuel: Wow. As if pasteurization and sterilization of nearly every food out there wasn’t bad enough, the fine folks of Big Food have come up with yet another disturbing way to “clean” what we eat. See why this chemical deemed to unsafe for motorists is now being sprayed onto “raw” almonds in the name of purity from salmonella, in this shocking post from Whole New Mom.
- Plastics and Breast Cancer: I enjoyed this reminder from A Green Earth of the dangers of various plastic products that can contain harmful carcinogens. The author of this blog is actually a breast cancer survivor herself, and is doing her best to spread the word about prevention awareness — such as reducing our exposure to these harmful toxins.
- Caramelized Banana Dairy-Free Ice Cream: And on a much tastier note, check out this delicious sounding recipe from Simply Living Healthy! Y’all know I have nothing against dairy, but come GAPS time, my options will be pretty limited for a while. This ice cream doesn’t even have sugar substitutes in it! The magic of dates and bananas are enough to sweeten this frozen treat.
Teachers of the Week!
Here are our featured posts from last week‘s Sunday School! Bloggers, be sure to submit your posts to the carnival for a chance to be featured here! I will also “like” your blog on Facebook and tag you when I link to Sunday School from the B.B. page, and I’ll submit your post to StumbleUpon (a great way to get more traffic to your site)!
My 2-Per-Day Nexium Habit, by Yolks Kefir and Gristle. Megh had a terrible heartburn problem which was prescribed the maximum possible dose of the drug by her doctor. Still suffering immensely from her condition, she was at a loss for how to heal what was at the root of it. Thankfully, a member of the WAPF came into her life to teach her how a traditional diet could help to heal her heartburn. I’m anxious to read the second installment of this two-part story!
100% All-Natural Cyanide, by Ruth’s Real Food. Wow, this post really threw me for loop! I was sure it was going to be some sort of expose about yet another deceptively-labeled processed food containing yet another dangerous chemical additive. But, nope! Ruth discovered while foraging on a quiet hillside, a surprising way that real food untouched by conventional systems can still be a little, uh, scary sometimes!
Cocoa Butter Layer Cake by Real Food Forager. Oh, Jill, I’ve been dreaming of your cake ever since I saw this video post! It looks so fluffy and delightful. And who knew you actually could eat cocoa butter? I mean, it smells so good that sometimes I want to lick a little off my lotion bars, but I never would have thought I could bake a whole cake out of it! This is an awesome grain-free recipe that’s decadent, yet doable, and as nourishing as a cake can get. Yum!
Show & Tell — It’s Blog Hop Time!
Classroom Rules:
- Please only link to posts covering real rood or healthy lifestyle-related topics. In my eyes, this includes nourishing recipes, articles about (real!) nutrition, tutorials, discussions of food politics, homesteading, tips and tricks for keeping a green, healthy home, and other healthy, holistic living topics! If you’re a B.B. subscriber, you know that I myself don’t only blog about food — sometimes I write about pretty random things — but it all relates to simple, healthy living that goes against the grains of conventional wisdom.
- If you do post a recipe, please don’t include any fake or weird, chemically ingredients! No vegetable oils, processed sugar, white flours (well, maybe here and there is okay, even Sally uses all-purpose flour for pie crust sometimes), hydrolyzed soy protein, powdered eggs/whey/protein/ANYTHING, low-fat fakeness, or other non-real “food” product ingredients! If you’re unsure what Real Food is all about, just poke around this site and the ones listed on my blogroll, and you’ll start to see. Or just raise your hand and someone will call on you! (email or comment.)
- Please update your post with a link back to this Sunday School post, so your readers can get in on all the learnin’ going on here! A simple, “This post is linked to Sunday School at Butter Believer!” is perfect. Just blog carnival courtesy, is all!
- I can’t imagine having to do so, but if our rules aren’t followed by certain links, I guess I’ll have to delete them. I’m sure everyone is more than capable of playing nice, though!
Hi Emily,
Thanks for featuring my post! What a nice surprise!!
And thanks for hosting too.
Thanks for hosting again Emily. 🙂 I love the bus picture.
Don’t think I linked up last week so this week I place 4 . . .my attempt at eating balut, Turon a Filipino dessert, my pt 3 in the FAT lies series called conspiracy theories, and finally I found a company with an entire line of food based ingredients in their skin care — I interviewed the owner and am sharing it with the real food world. (Sorry I misspelled “food” on the title) OOPS!
Thanks for hosting. I shared my Raspberry Pancakes recipe. Happy Sunday!
Thanks so much for featuring my post! I’m going to try getting the second half of that story tidied up during the holiday, so I should hopefully be able to post it soon!! It’s so hard writing that sort of thing — you don’t want to write it while you’re going through the process of experimenting because you don’t know if what you’re doing is actually going to work — but you also don’t want to write it afterwards, lest you forget what all you did!! But I’m going to do my best, I promise! Anyway, I posted a Thanksgiving-themed dessert recipe this week — thank you for hosting!!
Thanks for hosting!
I’m sharing a perfect Thanksgiving or any Autumn meal side dish recipe; Purple Kale Salad with Roasted Butternut Squash, Pomegranate Seeds, and Spiced Walnuts.
Thanks for stopping by The Cellulite Investigation, Emily, and for helping to spread the word about fluoride and acne (aka fluoroderma)!
You are doing such a good job Emily !
That makes me do a little happy dance! 😀 Thank you, Dalia!