Last month, the world lost a great visionary and technological genius. Steve Jobs, of Apple fame, died way before his time, at the age of 56, of complications due to pancreatic cancer. This tragic story has of course been floating around media sources of all sorts, however, in our sphere of holistic nutrition and alternative…
Unconventional Wellness
I Will Not Be Pinkwashed: Why I Do Not Support Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Pinkwashing America It’s October. And that means, it’s prime pink season. It’s national “Breast Cancer Awareness Month.” It’s that magical time of the year when shades of pale pink are plastered onto every product, every container, every conceivable gadget or gizmo that the Susan G. Komen Foundation can get their hands on. When that iconic…
Butter is NOT Fattening!
I seriously wanted to preface that with, “For the LAST time…” but, let’s be honest. This will not be the last time I preach about the wonders of one of nature’s most perfect and healthy foods. The wonderful substance still vilified even by well-meaning but misinformed doctors, nutritionists, and health-conscious consumers. It drives me absolutely…
A Counter-Attack on those Pesky Ants
There is a phrase that gets used a lot in the B.B. household. “Ant Attack!!” Oh, no. This is when you know there’s been an invasion of the colonized critters to our cozy abode. Hoards of them descend upon counter tops, floors, sinks, walls, furniture, SKIN (aaack!)… out of nowhere. They end up in places…
The GAPS Diet: How Food Heals Autism
I hadn’t planned on blogging about GAPS until I actually started the diet myself, but I was so stirred and encouraged by a recent article from Dr. Mercola that I feel compelled to begin sharing my thoughts on this subject which I feel so passionately about. If you’re not already familiar, Dr. Mercola is a…
Easy Homemade Baby Wipes
Calm down, everyone. I’m not pregnant. (cause that’s obviously what you were thinking when you read the title of this post… jay-kay, jay-kay.) 😛 It’ll be a couple more years til I’ll be using baby wipes for an actual infant. Well, human infant that is. But when I started working with children professionally some years…
The Heartless Homemade Fly Trap
If there’s anything I can’t stand more than mosquitoes, it’s those big, fat, filthy, revolting house flies. When they land on me with their nasty, hairy legs that have touched — ohh, Lord… I don’t even want to THINK about what they’ve touched — and look at me with their giant, dumb eyes, it seriously…
The Ultimate Natural Bug Bite Cure
You know how some people just never seem to get bitten by mosquitoes? Do you HATE those people?? Then you, my friend, are probably a fellow sweet-blooded skeeter-magnet like me. I get it bad. Like, can’t-walk-from-my-car-to-inside-the-house-without-half-a-dozen-bites bad. I’m completely serious. Yeah, that? Is me. And those suckers leave maaad marks on my…
What’s In My Milk? Part Three: War
Given the striking differences between commercial milk you’ll find in the grocery store, and real, fresh milk which comes from a farm, the healthy choice between the two is obvious. We want to avoid processed dairy, which is filled with pus, antibiotics, and other chemicals — and instead choose raw milk teeming with all those…
Real Food Makeup! A Truly Natural Blush
It doesn’t get any realer than this, my friends. This weekend’s Hack is one that I’ve honestly never heard of before — in fact I just stumbled upon doing it myself by accident! One morning, while preparing a delicious bowl of homemade yogurt, I reached into my freezer for some frozen organic raspberries to put…