Store-bought mayo is pretty incredibly nasty. Aside from other questionable ingredients, it’s always, and I mean, always, made with a “veggie” oil like soy or canola as the base. Those industrial oils are filled with damaging polyunsaturated fat, are are completely rancid and awful for you.
Just look at the ingredients of this typical jar of “real” (yes, that’s literally what it says on the label) mayo. On the surface, it might not seem so bad. I mean, most of these are fairly recognizable things.
Ingredients: Soybean oil, water, whole eggs and egg yolks, vinegar, salt, sugar, lemon juice, calcium disodium EDTA (used to protect quality), natural flavors.
But of course, when you’re an educated real food consumer, you know that these things aren’t always what they seem. You know to avoid soybean oil, non-organic corn and sugar products, factory-farmed animal foods, and questionable chemical cocktails as additives.
And when it comes to mayonnaise, I mean it when I say that they’re always filled with crap like this. You know the ones that say they’re “made with real olive oil?” They’re tricking you. Made with doesn’t mean, made exclusively with. We’re talking, almost all canola with a few drops of olive. See what they did there?
Enough with the icky ingredients and deceptive labeling! Let’s make our own mayo. It’s delicious. And good for you, too!
My mayonnaise recipe uses super-amazingly-healthy coconut oil and real, organic olive oil, along with fresh pastured eggs and other wholesome ingredients. Try it out! I bet you’ll be ready to dump the jar of that other stuff in the trash. And you’ll be shaking your head the next time you see one of those dumb commercials singing their jingle of, “Bring out the best!” referring to their so-NOT-real mayo. No thanks.
Recipe: Coconut Oil Mayonnaise
Makes about 1 1/2 cups mayo.
- 1 whole, pastured egg
- 2 pastured egg yolks
- 1 T dijon mustard
- Juice of ½ small lemon
- ½ teaspoon sea salt
- Pepper to taste (I like a few shakes of white pepper)
- ½ cup quality olive oil (find it here)
- ½ cup coconut oil, extra-virgin or refined (find it here)
- Secret ingredient: 1 T plain whole milk yogurt, plus an additional 1 T whey (optional)
In a blender or food processor, mix the eggs, yolks, mustard, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Melt your coconut oil over a very low heat, just to let it turn from a solid to a liquid. You do not want it hot, or it will “cook” the eggs.
Now, you’re going to need to slowly pour in your oils while your food processor/blender is running at a low speed. You need to do this very slowly, just pouring a very thin stream—pouring through the two little holes in the lid of your food processor help to accomplish this. Once all the oils are emulsified, add in your yogurt and/or whey if you’d like. The yogurt gives it a semi-sweet and tangy flavor and can help it stay fresh, but the whey is what will really help the mayo keep longer (about a month, versus a week or so). Refrigerate and enjoy!
Do you have to use the Dijon mustard, or will regular yellow mustard work the same?
Can this be frozen to extend its life? We only have one mayo eater and he’d never get through it in a month!
I was wondering the same thing, myself! I think I actually might try to freeze a portion of it and see how it does. I’ll have to let you know!
this even looks better than store mayo! on my list of recipes to try
How does this really taste. I’ve not made any using coconut because of friends experience. I made EVOO mayo the other day for artichokes and asparagus, but it was bitter even with lemon and worcestershire respectively. I even vamped the mustard powder to disguise it– didn’t help.
You’ve got to find the mildest olive oil possible. I use an Australian Picuel, available at your fancier markets. But I do miss the total neutrality of canola. Also you can buy “light tasting” olive oils in a regular supermarket. This also conforms to my taste requirements. But I’ve been warned that most supermarket olive oils are crap, and this type, especially so. So the search continues
This recipe looks yummy, thanks for sharing. Did you know that an immersion blender can emulsify things super-quickly? Something about the science of how the blades touch the various substances at the same time. No need for the long, slow trickle of oil. I couldn’t believe it till I tried it.
Here’s a youtube video showing the process (obviously I don’t recommend using canola as he did, but ignore that):
I did not know that! Wow, what an awesome tip! I do have an immersion blender, so I’ll have to give that a try next time. Thanks so much, Randa!
Just tried this and it works amazing! I’m so excited! I’ve been wanting to make my own mayo for several months, but it sounded so hard in a food processor. I got a new immersion blender for Christmas…amazing!
Oh my gosh I KNOW! Ever since learning the immersion trick, I make mayo so much more often now. The food processor way works fine, but it’s kind of a PITA. Stick blender for life!!
thanks! I have an immersion blender. Will certainly give this a try, sounds so much easier than the trickle
I just last week used my immersion blender (instead of the magic bullet)and it was so much easier! Also you can use plain mustard (we don’t keep dijon on hand), spicy brown mustard, you could probably use stone ground for a small batch (ham sandwiches?). I omit the lemon and use ACV instead. Use the expeller pressed for non-coconutty flavor. I have used avocado, or tea oil as the other half of the oil amount used. Tried “light” olive oil, but decided it was not a healthy choice. Hemp oil could also work if you like the taste of it.
Is there a way to make this without eggs? I am allergic. Thanks!!
I have made this with just olive oil and it turned out good. I do NOT like mustard in mine as it tastes too mustardy. I tried this recipe before and do NOT like the mustard! I love mustard in a lot of things, just not this. Anyway, I was making homemade mayo back in the 1970’s with my blender, way before it was ‘cool’ to do so. Had to many times as we were too broke to buy the regular stuff from the stores. Unfortunately back in the 70’s I was using vegetable oil as no one really knew the dangers like they do today. Question: (did I miss the answer?) was this made with refined cocon8ut oil? I would not want the coconutty taste. Thanks.
Funny, I don’t like mustard either! But I think the mustard added here just adds more flavor—and not in an overly mustardy way. You could try adding none at all, see how it tastes, then adding just a teaspoon or so if it needed a little more oomph.
Good question about the coconut oil. Refined is great to use, but then the olive oil taste will be predominant. If you really love the taste of olive oil, that may be a good option for you. I use virgin coconut oil, and I find that it doesn’t taste coconutty, but balances out the bitterness of the olive oil.
I’m confused about your post. I use coconut oil and have found that the virgin coconut oil has a definite coconut taste, but that the regular coconut oil has no coconut taste.
Just wondering, how long will this keep with and without the secret ingredients?
You list adding the yogurt twice in the directions, can you clarify when it’s supposed to go in? Thanks!
I just made this using the stick blender technique. It was so easy!! Thanks for the link Randa. I used extra virgin coconut oil and feel that the end product did have a coconut flavor despite the other ingredients. Next time I will use refined coconut oil. I think I will add more lemon juice or vinigar too, because it wasnt quite tangy enough for my preference, even with the yogurt and whey. Thanks for the recipe, it seems with only taste preference adjustments this is a winner
We are allergic to dairy. Is it optional?
Do you mean the yogurt and whey? Yes, you can leave it out!
I have read (recently) that if you are allergic to chicken eggs that duck eggs could be substituted… it. hopefully this helps
I’m sold! Will make. Gotta get the Pasteurized Eggs, what a great idea.
Can you tell me what you mean by “whey”?
PS forgive me for sneaking this in but do you have a “search” button on your site?
So I made this and It’s delicious, even my boyfriend who detests mayo loves it! I have a few questions…. If I don’t have whey can I substitute sauerkraut juice? I also noticed that after you say to add the whey you don’t mention leaving it out to culture. Why is that? Wouldn’t putting it in the fridge right away not allow it get some type of culturing? I only ask because I have seen other recipes that call for whey but all say to leave it out for 7 hours to culture it so it will last longer. Thank you for all your wonderful recipes and a great blog!
I was thinking the same thing. I am going to add 2 tablespoons of whey and let set 2-3 days and see what happens!
This looks delicious. I make a “miracle whip” version of Nourishing Tradition’s mayonnaise, that I posted on my blog. I could alter this a bit to be sweeter and have the depth of flavor I love from paprika. Mmmmm….
Thank you for sharing this!!
Just made this mayo for our homemade burgers- and OH MY is it ever delicious! I used 3/4 cup refined coconut oil and 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil… it is very good! I’ve always been on the fence about making my own mayo– it just never turned out the way I thought it should– until TONIGHT! Thanks!!!
What exactly is whey and where do I get it? Isn’t it the liquid you see in cottage cheese and stuff? Do I just take a tablespoon off my cottage cheese? Or do you actually buy it….I have whey protein powder too – maybe that is what I use? All I know about whey is that rhyme about “eating her curds and whey” – as long as no great spider comes and gets me after I make this, I’m good!
I need to know the particulars about whey as well.
I just made this with yellow mustard (Plotchman’s, because it is the BEST yellow mustard our there
), I think I used about half of the amount because yellow mustard is a bit vinegary. I also used all coconut oil, no olive oil (I didn’t have any on hand), and it turned out GREAT! I will probably use a tsp or so of agave next time to offset the acid a bit, but even without it, it’s still amazing! Thank you for this recipe :).
Scratch that. All coconut oil will make it seize in the fridge :(.
I love coconut oil mayo, but it always hardens in the fridge, so I make it in really small batches. I would like to make it in larger batches but I am allergic to olive oil. Is there another safe and healthy oil that I could use? Thanks!
PS…I make my own virgin coconut oil and it doesn’t leave a coconut flavor at all. Wonderful stuff and costs way less and I know exactly what it has been through.
What’s the ratio of coconut oil to other oils that you’re using? Or are you using straight coconut oil? You can only use so much before it will harden in the fridge. This recipe doesn’t. A good alternative to olive oil would be macadamia nut oil. Try that in place of the olive and see how you like it!
Try all avocado oil. Our Costco is carrying it now. Really mild flavor.
I am a mayonnaise LOVER. I could literally eat it by the spoonful. Worse still, I’m a Hellmann’s gal. I tried this recipe with great skepticism. I used refined coconut oil and ACV instead of lemon juice because I didn’t have any lemons around and I initially didn’t use any mustard, because I usually don’t like it. So at first, I wasn’t impressed. The olive oil taste was very strong, just as you had warned in a previous comment. So I added some garlic and onion powder to cut the EVOO. Eventually I decided to try the mustard, and to my surprise, it really made this good and was exactly what I needed to cut the EVOO. So now I’m left with a yummy garlic mayonnaise. Can’t wait to try it on a burger. Also, I stuck some in the freezer to experiment with it.
Maybe you could use Milk Kefir as the * Secret Ingredient * !
just wondering if you have any alternatives for the dairy. i’m allergic to it but love the idea of coconut oil in my mayo.
I followed the recipe using dijon mustard and white pepper (as suggested), but I omitted the secret ingredients. The result is a very pleasant, tangy mayo that I would be happy to use without any additional spices. Other mayo recipes I’ve tried came out tasting bland and/or slightly strange from the oil, but the olive and coconut are a good balance. I think the tang from the lemon ,and possibly the dijon, keep either oil flavour from being too overwhelming. Thank you for sharing your recipe
I’m a mayo freak and have always wanted to try it, but most recipes insist on whey, which is hard to find in my area. I can’t wait to make this! Thanks!
So how did freezing your mayo end up?
I didn’t actually do it because I just kept eating more mayo, haha! Every time I’ve made a batch it lasts long enough to not go bad. But maybe someone else who has tried this can chime in!
So, I have tried to make mayo using a 50/50 with coconut oil and olive oil before but it got hard in the fridge. Does your recipe do that?
To reduce the strong olive oil taste, use a late harvest variety.
I noticed several people asking the same question and not receiving an answer….I am also curious to know. How do you keep your mayo from hardening up when it stays in the refrigerator?
It does not harden when it’s properly emulsified. Pretty strange since coconut oil on its own definitely hardens! But I have made this exact recipe several times and it is no where near hardened. It’s normal mayo consistency.
I’ve never heard of pasturised eggs. I’m so amazed it seems like I’m the only one. What is that and where do I get them?
What is pastured eggs?? Do you mean free range or not caged hens?
I have been making mayonnaise for years, but always shied from using coconut oil because I feared it would get an unpleasant consistency in the fridge. (I use coconut oil for almost all my cooking and baking, though.) Based on all the recipes for a coconut oil mayo, I believe my assumption was unfounded.
I was accustomed to using ‘light’ olive oil for this recipe because it does not impart a terribly savoury flavour to the mayo. Recently, I had organic, extra-virgin olive oil, so I tried this in my recipe. The resulting mayo was too thick, and had such a strong flavour that it burned my throat! (It’s damn fine olive oil, but horrible in this application!)
Wishing to avoid disaster in future batches, I wonder if I could decrease the amount of extra-virgin olive oil, and add more coconut oil to compensate. Or–is the half-olive and half-coconut method enough to make a versatile, not-too-strong mayonnaise?
I use mayo as a dressing for different things, so a super-savoury taste is not always desired.
The link to olive oil in the recipe actually links to coconut oil…. i.e. 2 links to coconut oil.
Is there a way to link the Nutritional facts? I’d love to add this to my FitnessPal!
I use vinegar in my sauces that require dairy and need the creamy texture it provides.
From what I’ve read recently, most of the olive oil you buy in stores, even the “100% Virgin Cold-Pressed” is just doctored cheaper oil. Apparently the testing to figure out exactly what’s in the container is so expensive and time-consuming, no testing is done, so manufacturers do whatever they like. They can use almost solely a cheap oil like soy, then add some green coloring, some flavoring to give it that slightly bitter taste we expect, and then sell it for 5 x what we’d pay for soy, corn, canola oil. After reading several of these reports, I won’t bother to buy olive oil anymore. Here is one link (if it’s permitted to be posted, if not, search at lifehacker dot com): … sample quote: “The brands that failed to meet the extra virgin olive oil standards, according to this study: Bertolli, Carapelli, Colavita, Star, Pompeian.”