This week, we have a very special giveaway — you can enter to win a copy of The Eczema Cure!
That’s right, there really is a cure for eczema. But you won’t find it at your dermatologist’s office.
My friend and fellow real food blogger, Emily Bartlett, is a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese medicine practitioner. She has successfully treated many of her patients suffering from eczema with a healing protocol developed specifically for this condition. A session with Emily in her LA-based clinic costs over $200.
But, in an effort to reach many more people with this powerful, yet simple approach to healing eczema, Emily compiled the information detailing her eczema treatment into an easy-to-follow ebook called, The Eczema Cure: Healing from the Inside Out with Real Food, packed with 85 pages of information and the four critical action steps needed to cure eczema for good. The book sells for a fraction of the price of the same expert advice on healing eczema you’d get from Emily in her clinic.
You can click here to read my review and to learn more about healing eczema from the inside out.
And today, you can enter to win your very own copy of the book!
How to Enter to Win
- Click this link: The Eczema Cure, to learn more about the book, and leave a comment here on this post explaining why you would love to have access to this awesome resource. Do you suffer from eczema? Do your children? Have all those creams and expensive medications failed to help? Tell us about it below.
- Follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter widget below to enter.
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Okay! Good luck, everyone! And please don’t forget to leave your comment below after you’ve visited The Eczema Cure site, or your entry won’t count!
I have been struggling with eczema for a long time and would like to find natural ways to cure my skin problems.
I would love a copy of this book. My six year old daughter was diagnosed with eczema this past spring for the first time. The steroid cream prescribed to her was too painful for her to use and the general over-the-counter creams do help, but I would love to know the root cause behinds it’s tendency to disappear and then flare up.
I have been dealing with this for years.This book would be an asset to me.Thanks for this giveaway.
My daughter has eczema and I want to help her.
I’ve heard about this on other blogs and I’m very interested in making the changes it requires. I’ve suffered from eczema my whole life and I’ve tried everything: creams, steroids, antibiotics, antihistamines, you name it. Some things help for a short time, but it always come back without fail. I know for sure this would be life-changing.
I would be so grateful to have “The Eczema Cure” as a resource. My husband and son both suffer from it. Especially my husband. He is gluten intolerant and already has made so many changes to his life to heal from it, but that nasty eczema keeps stubbornly hanging around.
I have had eczema since I was three years old and my son (now six) has been suffering with it since he was born. I know it has negatively affected the quality of his life. We don’t consume any dairy products and have a very holistic, real food diet. I have never used steroids on my son but he still has flare ups. He also has food allergies and asthma and I know they are all related. I would love to find a more specific way to treat it naturally since I have tried so many natural methods that have not worked.
I had suffered with eczema since childhood. I loved & cursed the shag carpet as I dragged my toes through to relive the itching only to end up crying when they bled. I still have it on my toes & feet, and I now have it on my fingers and scalp. My 13yr old also has it on his feet, hands, and head. Special creams and shampoos don’t work. We need a real cure.
My daughter has been dealing with eczema her whole life. When she was little, the doctor wanted her on steroids but I refused. We’ve tried a lot of different creams but they don’t work. She itches until she bleeds. When she was little, she would chew on her wrists/elbows just to relieve the itch. Now, I’m finding that the eczema is spreading to her scalp and legs. I would love to do something to help her.
Dear Butter Believer,
Hi there. As part of my weekly blog geeking I came to your site and was very excited to see the recent posts subject! The subject is something very near and dear to me. I’ve suffered with eczema rashes most of my young life and have been through a great deal of professional (natural and mainstream) protocols along with self suscribed treatments. I’ve gone through avalanches of various diets, GAPS, SAD, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Anti Candida, Fasting, and oh how the list rolls forth, all in hopes of clearing these persisting patches, which to my great dismay happen to be on my face. The copious amounts of “miricle” products I’ve bought over the years, and reaching for help, has been a disheartening journey, as well bank breaking. I’ve always been very fond of Chinese Medicine, for its ability to look at a particular problem as a whole and collective process, but times are not easy, as many young folks will attest to, and I just don’t have the resources at present to seek professional guidence. And so here I am, puting my penny in the blogging well, with many other deserving individuals I’m sure. I guess that is my little eczema biography in a nutshell. Hoping to have a copy of this book to set me forward. Thanks for reading, and for the opportunity!
I have tried every lotion, cream, emoliant and more for my eczema. Mine is the worst on my hands, and more on the thumbs and inside palm area. Looks so bad visibly at times that I have to put off appointments, interviews, and that due to people ‘looking’. I do my best to avoid having to show my hands. The hard part of about all of this, is I talk with my hands, I am very social, I am a networker, connector and love being able to touch people, shake hands, hug people and such and feel so very restricted from what I feel naturally because of this darn condition. I eat well, I drink tons of water. But, there is apparently something that is lacking in my diet to help assist this heal. I do believe DIET is so key to our health to work from the inside out… Thank you! I look forward to hearing how the book is doing and see if maybe perhaps I receive it! If not by the giveaway, I will be purchasing it! Blessings
I’d love to win this book. I’be had “scalp issues” all my life, from small childhood, but only recently discovered there was more than “dandruff & dry scalp” out there. (My scalp is worse when I’m stressed, BTW.) Both of my older sons were born with a type of eczema (my older son’s “baby acne” lessened greatly about age 4, the third/youngest was born with the best skin but my recently discovered auto-immune disease went to remission but independent reading makes me suspect that I had developed this AI problem before the oldest one was born). I finally had enough of the PCN run around and managed to get accepted into the only English speaking pediatrician office in our small rural county when the younger one was 5 and the PCN was still calling it “baby acne”. He was covered with bumps like coarse sand-paper that looked like huge white heads. Finally DX-ed by a dermatologist (the ped said she was “sure” this “keratosis pilaris” a type of eczema was what he had BUT she had NEVER seen or heard of being as pervasive as his was so she wanted a dermatologist to see him & confirm her DX~she was correct) with HYPER keratosis pilaris. Scripts for legal limit AHAs & steroids(which I decided not to use after reading the patient inserts since they can cause cancer with sun exposure…how do you keep an active 5 yr old out of the sun? lol). His “bumps” have lessened over the years but now are actually more of a “problem” since his nervous system works more normally now~he has PDD-NOS, SI, allergies & had asthma (been years since he’s had issues, thankfully) for several years now both he & I have patches of rash in various locations (less during the summer, worse in the winter but rarely COMPLETELY gone). I think this book might hold the key to getting us “irritation” free. It would be wonderful for the oozing, cracking, bleeding skin, the clothing & underclothes sticky to the skin to be gone for good and not just a few weeks each summer, if we are lucky. Thanks for the chance to win this book.
I have suffered with Excema for about 10 years now….. tried everything thu the dermatology office and others on my own. Everything makes me itch… my face is the worst place, but it affects my whole body. I breakout with the blotches worse in the colder weather, the sun seems to help a bit in the summer. I have already started making changes in my diet and have lost 87 lbs in the past year, but my condition is still not improving. I would certainly enjoy this book, and take heed to the advice it gives.
My baby girl has had HORRIBLE eczema since she was 2 months old. She wears sleeves all the time so that she won’t bleed. We’ve done countless elimination diets to no avail. We are stumped and weary! Even the alternative treatment we’ve sought out has been unhelpful. I am tired of steroids as our last resort. I want to win!
My husband has rhino hide and always is dealing with eczema! He is very dark skinned so often lotion makes him look ashy.
I’ve put up with eczema as long as I can remember, but It wasn’t too bad. The hardest thing for me is seeing my kids, and now my grandson who is only 2 has it really bad. i always thought it was hereditary. I’d love to find out how to help that little guy!
I have had eczema since I was a young girl and it has never completely gone away. In fact, my skin seems to get worse when the weather changes into colder temperatures. My little almost 1-year old baby boy has eczema also. I am hoping that if I win this book, I could figure out how to cure this uncomfortable skin condition for the both of us! 🙂