In need of a sunburn remedy?
Having spent a good chunk of my adult life living in the tropics, I’ve become pretty familiar with how my skin reacts to the sun. I know how much of a tan I need to keep from getting a sunburn, how many hours I can spend out with no sunscreen on, and when it’s time to cover up or get in the shade. I almost never got sunburned once I learned how to adjust to the strong rays beaming down nearly every day in Hawaii.
I also learned how to maintain the number one best defense against sunburn—a healthy diet low in PUFA and plentiful in protective saturated fat and antioxidants. My number two defense was always to take internal sunscreen in the form of astaxanthin when the sunshine-iest weather is upon you. And I’ve developed a love of slathering on coconut oil (which has a natural sun-protection factor) pretty much every day, but especially any time I know I’m going to be particularly sun-exposed.
And yet, with all these in place, and no matter how sun-experienced you are, burns can still happen. Now that I live in the only seasonally-sunny Pacific Northwest, I have been missing out on another effective means of sunburn prevention—a suntan!
So, just a couple weekends ago, during the first major heatwave of the summer here in Portland, I spent a little too much time out by the pool at my brother and sister-in-law’s house. It was just too dang hot to do anything else, and while I managed to keep the rest of me burn-free, my shoulders wound up fairly scorched.
Now, mine weren’t quite as red as the one in the pic up top (that’s not me), as I usually just don’t burn that badly no matter what. So, I’m not saying my remedy will take away a 3rd-degree, blistering beast of a burn overnight, but for the average sunburn from an accidental overexposure to otherwise-beneficial UV rays? This is just the ticket.
I just happened to have photographic evidence of the burn, shown here when my 12-week-old puppy who has yet to figure out that he can indeed swim in the pool with me instead of on top of me:
(He had already fallen in once and wasn’t about to make that mistake again, apparently.)
Thankfully, I got rid of the redness on my shoulders, quickly and easily.
Sunburn Remedy: Instant Relief and Overnight Healing
I actually didn’t even realize I was sunburned until the next morning, when the pain of my stinging skin woke me up early. But I knew just want to do! I grabbed my sunburn remedy ingredients, and in just a few minutes, the stinging stopped and I was on my way to burn-free skin! By the very next day, it was basically gone. This works way better for me than aloe vera ever did!
Remember this sunburn remedy the next time you get burnt, and your skin will thank you. It’ll heal the burn much more quickly than you ever thought was possible!
Sunburn remedy healing supplies:
- Clean washcloth (I love these organic cotton cloths)
- Raw apple cider vinegar
- Organic coconut oil
- Optional: Lavender and Peppermint Essential Oils (where to buy therapeutic essential oils)
Heal your sunburn overnight in just 2 steps:
- First, wet the washcloth with cold water, then splash on a little apple cider vinegar to the cloth. Dab the wet cloth onto your sunburn, soaking the skin. You should notice instant relief from any stinging! It feels sooo good on a sunburn. After a few minutes, your skin should be dry.
- Now, liberally rub on some coconut oil to the area. UPDATE: I now use Lavender and Peppermint essential oils with the coconut oil, just by melting a little in my hand, and adding about 2 drops Lavender, and one drop Peppermint. The Lavender really helps to support skin health, and the Peppermint cools the skin and releases heat. I highly recommend it! But only if you’re using therapeutic-grade essential oils. Learn more and find out where to order them HERE.
By the next day, your skin should be significantly better. I recommend continuing with the coconut oil for several days to promote healing and to help ease the skin peeling that is usually inevitable after a burn. Exfoliate and lubricate (with more coconut oil)!
This worked like a charm for my most recent sunburn. Immediate relief from the stinging, and literally the next day, it wasn’t red anymore. Maaaybe the slightest bit pink. But the sting never came back. Just to be sure, though, I dabbed on another round of the apple cider vinegar, let it dry, then followed with more coconut oil. The following day, it was just tanned skin!
Give this remedy a try next time you get a little too crispy from the sun, and say goodbye to that burn!
What do you use for a sunburn remedy?
Any other tried-and-true remedies you use for a sunburn? Or have you also had success with apple cider vinegar and/or coconut oil? Tell us about it in the comments below.
Photo credit: Emily Hildebrand on Flickr (altered)
Agreed. I use coconut oil on my redness too. NOt ACV, but just coconut oil. Sometimes with a couple drops of lavender essential oil. 2 years now without peeling and a nice tan.
I agree too use apple sides vineger it burns a lil bittt but don’t hurt and it helps alottttt thanks who ever made that up thanks alotttt!! It feels better
So this really works bc I went to the beach yesterday and got a really bad sun burn so every time I get up it hurts so bad so I’m gonna try what u said and see if it works
Did it work overnight?
Mine didn’t work overnight, As I type this it is a day after still very tight skin and red..but i’m also burnt behind knee down my calf so uber annoying to walk bend and what not but I’m keeping up with coconut oil mixed with lavender and peppermint oil.
I got really sunburned today while I was at a water park. I have ACV but I don’t have coconut oil. Can olive oil be a substitute
The oil is a lot less important than the vinegar. Vinegar will address the burn, and the oil will simply help nourish your skin and promote healing after. So sure, olive oil could be used.
ACV didn’t even work, it made my burn sting even worse and there was little relief but then it went away. Still was in pain even after the vinegar. Won’t try that again
Personally, using coconut oil for sunburn treatment seems like a terrible idea without the peppermint (and even maybe with) because oil traps heat and therefore would make it burn more intensely, increasing the risk of skin cancer.
I made the 2 step solution for a young lady at work. She got her burn on a Saturday… by Wednesday morning, she had patches of open sores. The pain was extremely bad such that she was missing work. She tried the 2 step method on Wednesday evening. By Thursday morning, she said she had no more pain. She was still red, but she was pain free.
Thank you for providing this information.
I really wish I would have known about this 20 years ago! I ended up with a sunburn so bad, I had half dollar sized blisters covering my shoulders, back, chest and hips. For almost an entire month, it looked like it had just happened. I will definitely remember this remedy!!
Hey I would like to inform you those were just water blisters.
Hey I would like to inform you that blisters are blisters.
Your point?
When I was a little girl, I had some horrific sunburns every summer. Mom often used Noxzema which was cooling and soothing. Not sure what was in it (besides camphor)…I probably wouldn’t think of using it now. Anyway – one summer, she heard about using vinegar, and we had a winner! It really does take out the sting, and I was a much more comfortable kid. As I got older, I learned the value of gradual sun exposure and a good tan. I seldom had trouble with sunburn when I was careful. Of course, sunscreen wasn’t available,and the commercial brands of suntan lotion were primarily coconut oil! We used baby oil (can’t believe it now!) most of the time. Nothing like a good broil on a summer’s day!
Thanks for all the good stuff – love getting your emails!
Yes! I love vinegar for removing the sting of sunburns and coconut oil is always my go-to moisturizer!
I have used vinegar before to take the sting out of a sunburn. Does the coconut oil prevent peeling later on?
I don’t think so I tried and it didn’t work
Yes it does. More than any lotion could. If it didnt work, you did something wrong. Maybe washed it off too soon? It does take quite some time to soak in. Lotions ar like 80% water and 20% product, so the water evaporating makes it feel like it soaks in fast. Coconut oil is 100% product so you gotta keep it on for a long ass time before showering
Bag balm is also amazing! And blue goo. One of my boys and I are super fair. We deal with sunburns at least once each summer as much as we try to avoid it. Coconut oil just seems to rock for everything!
Being 66 years old I used Corn Huskers lotion on my self and all my children and grandchildren. I kept a bottle cold in the refrigerator when my children were young and it would immediately cool when applied with cotton balls. Sun Burns treated with Corn Huskers do not peel and you can put blue jeans on burned legs immediately without pain. Give it a try. You can purchase in any Walmart Pharmacy or any drug store.
Growing up my mom used Corn Huskers too. I burned my back 2 ce as a teenager (2 different summers) and my mom used hot water(as hot as you can stand it) shower the night that you burn it. Then for 5 days we used corn huskers. later she found an after burn lotion with Tea Tree Oil from Walgreens that worked just as well.
having doggy paws all over your shoulders probably didn’t help
when I overdid the sun recently, anything touching my shoulders hurt so much – I also used coconut oil, but if it happens again I’ll use the apple cider vinegar first!
My shoulders and ears got a little red on a trip to the Bahamas after spending all day under the sun in a swimsuit. If I hadn’t been taking astaxanthin at the time, it would have been worse. When I noticed the redness, I got out of the sun, applied aloe vera, and doubled up on the astaxanthin. The next day I was brown as a berry! (And note that I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Most would assume I wear sunblock, but I don’t!)
I sunburn really badly every year due to the looong North Idaho wi ters and then KABLAM, it’s hot sunny summer!!!! For years my go to healing potion has been a mix of about 1 tbspn coconut oil and about five-ten drops of high quality melaleuca oil (tea tree oil). It soothes the burn, reduces inflammationand stops the sting, and usually by the next day I’m good to go! I’ve seen horribly red burns like the one in your picture fade to light pink overnight with this remedy (on friends and neighbors, my family has never burned that badly!).
I’m in the tropics, too and get burned extremely easily.
I’ve used the vinegar trick many times and it works well. Once, I didn’t have vinegar so I used my own urine (!!!) and it worked great. Mustard is also effective.
Good god…were you on a deserted island? I would have crwled to the store before rubbing piss on myself.
Well, it *is* sterile
Yah, I’m with the others…that is a little weird but if it works, it works
I just wanted to say that the picture of your(?) sunburned shoulder made my eyes water…it looks horrendous! OUCH.
It’s not my shoulder. And I kind of edited it a little for dramatic effect, haha.
Does it have to be apple cider vinegar? Where I am strange enough I don’t find this type of vinegar. The most common is the wine grape vinegar. Would it work the same?
I’m not sure, but I think it would because my mom told me that my grandmother used to use plain white vinegar on sunburns when she and her sisters were kids. Give it a try!
I know this was written last year but I wanted to say that I’ve always used white vinegar on my bad burns, it also helps when you have sun poisoning too. Only thing I’ve noticed is that it burns a bit when you dab it on.
Thanks for sharing your experience!
Yes white vinegar works…im usually white as a ghost…and back in 87 i went to cancun..and on my last day there..even tho it was cloudy….i ended up burning as red as a stop sign…as i walked into the hotel….the desk clerk ran and got me dish of vinegar….i smelt like a frenchfrie but it worked…
Yes it would I used regular vinager an it worked just as well
My to go to home remedy agaist sunburn is plain yoghurt.
When I get a burn I just plaster yoghurt all over me. I leave it on for at least 15 minutes but prefer half an hour. Yoy feel the yoghurt pull out the heat from your skin. After I shower and use coconut oil to moisten my skin.
I use aloe lotion not the gel but a lotion works wonders. I think the gel locks in the heat after its first put on and can actually make a bad burn worse. I used to work at a summer camp and have seen more than my fair share of burns (on me and the kids).
If vinegar has a cooling effect on burns then use the vinegar first and then apply the gel. Although if you use aloe straight from the leaf I don’t see any reason it would lock in the heat. Usually it’s fats that do that.
I know with regular burns, the first-degree or mild second-degree type you sometimes get when you’re cooking, I’ll run cold water over that sucker first before I apply anything else. Need to reduce the temp so as not to trap it in. I would be curious to try vinegar next time. (I don’t burn myself often, but there’s always a next time!)
We grow Aloe vera at our house and apply it at the first sign of a burn. Magic!
My tried and true remedy is a two step process.
I immediately dump my hands n a bucket of ice and ice any burn t take the heat out and moisturize the skin. I am really really pale, and I simply don’t tan just red and back to white. The ice feels like heaven and you can literally see the red seep out and feel the water go in. After icing, I break off some f the fresh aloe Vera plants and go to town lathering all over the burn. The combo works wonders and I rarely peel because of the initial icing I think.
It’s magic and I’ve done if for three years now at the slightest burn and its gone by the next day. Then I just use Vaseline usually to re moisturize the skin.
Old wives tales for treating burns consisted of applying Vaseline or even butter. We know now that any lipid based topical treatment should never be applied to a burn as it traps the heat in the skin. Never apply Vaseline or butter. Tim RN
Vaseline is just about the worst thing to use on a burn. It locks in any heat and does not allow the skin to breath. Vaseline is a petroleum product and has many chemicals that you do not want to lock into your body. Trust me, coconut oil is a much better option.
When I get burnt I put on egg whites on where I’ve been burnt and leave it on over night. The next day the pain and redness is gone.
Interesting! Sounds a little icky though.
You can buy aloe Vera that has Vaseline in it. I prefer the blue gel though.
My struggle with fair skin and sunburns has been a fight every summer of my life. It was my family doctor that finally gave me the ONLY cure that really worked, and we’d tried everything from apple cider vinegar, butter, Noxema and washcloths with ice! I would have allergic reactions that made me scream with pain! What finally worked and prevented blistering was Benedryl and Ibuprophen every six hours for 48 hours after the burn. The burn would disappear, leaving me with only a little tan (I never tanned much anyway) and took away all the pain. Remember, TANS ARE DANGEROUS! They are scar tissue, just ask your dermatologist! Any more than ten minutes to twenty minutes in the sun is too much, and ALWAYS use heavy duty sunscreen if you’re going to be out longer, and cover up!! Be safe! The tans you get today will turn into melanomas later in life! I saw both my parents have surgery for them in their forties and fifties, and it was very scary! BE SAFE!!!
This is not true and I don’t care if a dermatologist said it–someone needs to go back to school. Or the school itself needs to teach some actual science, not propaganda that fattens the bank accounts of the sunscreen industry.
The sun rays that cause melanomas are UVA rays. The rays that cause tanning are UVB rays. People have been known to get melanoma on parts of their bodies that are rarely exposed to the sun.
It’s actually pretty scary in that most sunscreens DO NOT adequately protect against UVA. And staying indoors a lot guarantees UVA exposure because it’ll go through windows while UVB doesn’t. But no one will tell you this because most people just don’t know.
Completely agree with Dana. Please stop spreading misinformation and Pharma lies. Haven’t Pharma trained doctors hurt us enough? Why do you still beleive them as if they are Gods? Start asking questions and doing your OWN digging. You’ll quickly realize that most of the propaghanda doctors have been pushing on us is a blatant lie that lead to more disease and boosted Pharma profits.
Where did you get that information? Tans are not scars; they’re literally one of the best preventatives against UVA. And they don’t lead to melanoma-burns do. If tanning led to melanoma, every black person on the planet would have it.
I’ve been using a brew of Black Tea and Aloe Vera (brew the tea in warmed aloe vera juice or gel)with Lavender Essential oil added. After it dries on the skin, I apply Coconut Oil. This treatment has resulted in quick healing for my kids (bad mama!) and myself. I’ll add the ACV and see what difference that makes. Any idea how the ACV works in this situation? Do you think it needs to be raw?
I don’t get out in the sun too much, any more, and coconut oil does help. But years ago I got a nasty painful burn, especially near my armpits. I took Viva papertowels, folded, and soaked them in buttermilk, then applied to the burn. I let the pads sit for about 20 minutes, till they were drying out and beginning to stink. Then I took a shower to wash it off, and the pain was gone.
Neat solution, I hadn’t tried those before, I’ve always just used aloe but what’s cool is there is a rarely a day where we don’t have cider vinegar and coconut oil on hand! Thanks!
I’m trying this remedy out right now. I was studying outside in the Australian sun today and the backs of my legs are tomato red (always happens this early in the season). So I’ve got to go to work in 2 hours, lets see how we’ll ACV gets rid of stinging!
Good luck! I nearly forgot that it’s summer time now down under!
I’m 13 and sunscreen just dosent seem to work for me at all! So ive been getting really bad sunburn recently I don’t have aloe vera, apple cider,or, coconut oil on hand dose anyone have any remides that don’t include these things?
I love this, yet I always have an issue of oily transfer onto my clothing/funiture from the cocnut oil. There isn’t any way to stop that is there? Just got to deal.
I rarely burn but if I do I use burn cream like acriflex or burn shield and it works a treat. I think people nowadays are becoming more skin aware though which is a great thing. Hate seeing older women with such bad sun damage that they look like leather handbags
yeah its a big issue, according to research almost fifty present of all adults reported sun skin damage at least once in a year. sunscreen helps block both UVA and UVB radiation.
Sunscreen is notoriously bad at blocking UVA. And you don’t want to block UVB all the time. That’s how you make vitamin D: UVB triggers it.
Sunscreen is a huge area of debate but I have done a ton of research and believe devita products to be the best around. I buy mine from vitacost for a discount but they are still pretty spendy but are totally natural and only contain zinc and yes they block the uva rays. Out in the sun all day you need to block those rays but a quick walk to the store or 10-15 min on a nice day is plenty of time to get the uvbs you need. So sad a lot of sunscreen seem to actually be causing the worst kinds of skin cancer but I have been so happy with devita my face looks years younger.
Had pretty bad sun burn on upper legs, applied aloe vera gel at the night the same day; then found this remedy and applied the next day – in just one day, the sting has pretty much gone, the redness remains but it doesn’t bother.
Great remedy, many thanks for sharing!
P.S. I used normal white vinegar, and light olive oil, they worked for me fine.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
I know this was two years ago but did it sting at all?
Just got a bad burn on Australia Day in Perth. Going to give this a shot today (I am already getting blisters on my shoulders) and let you know the results.
Just saw your post and tried the vinegar burning stopped instantly and topped it off with cold aloe thanks I couldn’t sleep with all this pain
I always use a spf50 sunscreen as I stay in Namibia. When I do burn though, I apply a thick layer of camphor cream to the burned area. No peeling at all and its slightly pink the next day.
I’m sore from a tan cause of the bulbs begin new how can. I get rid of the sunburn feel
I was at my kids football game, got really red from the sun. When I got home I took a shower and after I put on coconut oil, then vitamin e lotion, like I do after every shower. The next morning looked at my sunburn, and it was gone.
can you use coconut oil Conditioner does it do the same as Organic coconut oil?????????
I have a photoshoot in the morning and have been working up to get a bit of colour in a tanning bed, but a new lady at the salon today put me in the wrong bed without my knowing and now I’m frighteningly red. I’ve done the apple cider and coconut thing tonight but the pain hasn’t decreased…
I hope at least some of the redness goes away or the photographer is gonna be ticked and I’ll look like a lobster on TV! Any other remedies to at least alleviate the redness?
Could I use regular lotion or shea butter instead of the coconut oil?
Hmm, you could try! The ACV will do a lot to reduce the burn by itself.
My son got sunburned yesterday at the beach and put on coconut oil overnight. Just read your post so this morning I’ve applied acv and he said that before it felt like acupuncture all over his back but after the acv the pricking had gone.
Will apply more coconut oil once it’s dried.
Thanks for the remedy!
I have a very bad sunburn right now from being told to stay too long in a tanning bed….I just applied the Apple cider vinegar and coconut oil, already feeling better. Will let you know in the morning…if I don’t peel or blister it will be a miracle!
Please update about the tanning bed situation. In in the same boat and i cannot get anything to work. I’ve tried a Luke warn bath with vinger, but that didn’t work. I’ve also been applying a lotion that containing also and vitamin e. buttons doesn’t really work either.
I hope you’ll follow up. Was hoping there would be a comment from someone who had tried it. If it worked, I’m pinning it !!
Watch out with the tanning beds. They can be more damaging than the sun. The sun helps your body to make natural vitamins, but the tanning beds just radiate your body.
I got sun poisoning from staying outside for over five hours at a festival and it was horrible. I was burning and itching to point it was so painful that I wanted to go to the hospital. I tried taking cold showers and aloe but it didn’t work so I tried taking a warm shower and it eased the itching and burning. But now it’s peeling and it hurts so I’ll try to this to ease the pain.
I’ve been tanning in a booth everyday for 9 mins I go to zoom tan so its quick and I’m only doing it because I am having dinner with my newest daughters father. He has been gone for a year now and he finally gets to meet his 4 month old for the first time. But I reall want to look good for him. Well anyways I have been tanning for three days and in between my breasts it is painfully red and swollen. I’m going to try this remedy because aloe and cocoa butter are not working for me. I have to tan for another 6 more days then I can pick up her dad. What can I use to cover a sunburn while I’m in a tanning booth so it cannot burn anymore? Any suggestions? I’m going to try the vinegar right now I’m hoping I have coconut oil.
Aw darn, sorry about your burn. (And congrats about your baby and father homecoming!) If it were me, I’d wait on the tanning until my burn was all the way healed. But, I guess if it really is only that one area that’s burned, you could just cover it up with a towel? I think I still vote on just letting it heal before hitting the booth again.
Get a spray tan,much safer.
I worked in a tanning salon (and Ironically just got burned in one today) I’m going to advise you not to tan for a few days, if you tan the burn will not heal and it will get worse, you will also get pockets of dry skin and when you sweat they will fill and it will look like fluid filled blisters, I’ve seen people really damage themselves because they wanted the tan quick,let you skin heal before getting back in a tanning booth
can I use any vinegar??!
can i use normal vinegar instead of the apple one? because i don’t have it and i don’t know where to get it either
ashley i use white vinegar and it works great stings a bit but hey my shoulders are badly burned, hope u feel better with ur burn.
I smell absolutely disgusting!!! This better work
LOL! Best of luck!
I work nights and sleep during the day and sometimes I sleep walk, I’ve been off work the past few nights and yesterday I woke up outside, not sure how long I was out there but I’ve got some serious genital Burns so I’m gonna try rubbing so vinegar on my crotch, I really hope this works!
How come i did the apple cider vinigar and the coconut oil and the sting is still here? I dabbed and did everything right is there an amount of vinigar you’re supposed to use?
I do the vinegar (enough to cover the area, as far as the amount), then wait until it’s dry, and lightly apply the coconut oil usually at least a half hour later. I don’t know if the timing has any effect, but that’s what works for me.
Why didn’t it work? I had all the stuff and my sunburn still hurts and it actually made it feel worse. Was there an amount of vinegar i was supposed to use? Or coconut oil?
If you used the coconut oil before your skin had a chance to fully release the heat, you can lock in the burn. Depending on how bad your burn is and how much heat is locked inside, be careful about applying the coconut oil too early.
You can take a cold shower to release some of the heat from your skin. You can reapply the ACV a few times to help release the heat. Then you can also apply a cold compress.
Thank you so much! This has helped me immensely! after only 10 minutes I could feel the burning subside, thank you again!
Awesome! Thanks for sharing.
Too much vinegar can dry out your skin and then it will kind of soak deeper than it should, basically like having a sheet of paper over your living skin,if the paper gets wet, so will you eventually, and vinegar son an open wound hurts, it’s just a disinfectant and dries out the burn itself, it should relieve it a little after a few dabs, then you should leave it, then use the moisturizer, then it will heal, everyone has different skin, so for a one people like me, it will hurt longer, I used too much vinegar and then aloe, it works, but I shouldn’t have kept on with the vinegar.
Maybe this will help,
Burnt forehead
I got burned yesterday and got a meeting tomorrow and i look like a lobster
so im going go get some white vinegar from the local shop but would baby oil work instead of coconut oil 
I would NOT put baby oil on your skin, like ever. It’s a petroleum-based product and coats your skin with a barrier of, well, petrochemicals.
I like to add a drop or two of peppermint oil to the vinegar to offset the smell and help with the cooling sensation. Other than that, I can add my voice to the many that Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut oil are the things to use for a burn.
I don’t worry about vinegar smell. As soon as it dries out you won’t smell like it anymore. I use apple cider vinegar (not the raw stuff, that’s expensive, just the regular grocery store stuff) in my final laundry rinse and my clothes *do not* smell like vinegar.
Thank you so much for the good advice. I burned my shoulders and upper arms pretty bad today. I wet a cloth, poured the apple cider vinegar on it and placed it on the burned areas. The coconut oil afterwards heated for a bit but now I can move my arms without so much discomfort. Works really good…
i just tried this and my burn soothed instantly and cant wait for tomorrow to c the results
My face got really burned and I was wondering if cocoanut oil can or should be applied to the face. I’m worried about breaking out after.
I put coconut oil on my face every day. But we’re all different.
I tried this last night after getting a bad sunburn and it’s only a little bit pink today and hardly hurts. Now I have a nice tan where it was.
Always like to see another testimonial! Thanks!
I got a horrible burn on my arms and shoulders and I have a school dance in a week and I don’t wanna look like a tomato, so I used coconut oil and shea butter oil. I don’t have any vinegar, so I improvised. I hope this works
I really think the vinegar is key. And while apple cider is best, any kind will do. I worry that shea butter may form a barrier over the skin, potentially trapping in the heat of the burn. I’m not certain, though.
When do i take a shower? After putting on the cococut? Do i sleep with it on?
Well any one have a remedy for 2nd and 3rd degree burns on legs
If it were me, I would treat with vinegar and also lavender essential oil, BUT I would also seek medical attention! That sounds serious.
Vitamin E oil is great for preventing scarring on bad burns while they heal.
I got a kind of bad burn and I think I put too much vinegar on and now I have to go shopping tomorrow and I don’t have coconut oil will it be okay? Can I just use regular lotion?
3rd degree burns are called full thickness burns and extend through all layers of skin burning the underlying muscle, fat and tendons. They do not cause pain as the nocioceptors “pain receptors” are dead. They are located within the dermis and fat layers. Sunburns are not capable of these results. 1st and 2nd degree burns however are very painful. After the blisters pop or the skin is breached by any means infection is the biggest concern. The only thing you should apply at this point is silvasulfadene cream. It’s a thick white cream that has a lot if zinc oxide to promote healing and contains elemental silver which kills all microbes or germs. Finally keep a gauze dressing on it. Change it twice daily or no less than daily. If it appears infected at any point you. Will need some keflex “antibiotic” used for skin infections. If your skin is intact or unbreached use any of the methods in this article except except Vaseline or butter. I recommend aloe with 1% lidocaine and or Motrin very 8 hours. Tim RN
Whoaaa! What a terrifying description. Eek!
Really appreciate your sharing your knowledge! Some of the comments people have shared about getting bad blisters and then asking me for medical advice are scaring me… so thank you for this education, Tim!
The ER.
This did not work for me not sure if I’m doing something wrong but I did exactly what you said and I’m still lobster red! After 2 days
Keep doing it! For a bad burn, I would apply the vinegar probably several times a day.
But if you have blisters or anything serious-looking, get medical help of course.
Tea also works well.
Make a strong solution of black tea (maximum tannic acid) and dab lightly on the burn. Let it dry, and apply another coat every 15 minutes or half an hour. Multiple coats seem to work the best. Don’t wash, but do put on a light coat of coconut oil before bed.
Repeat in the morning if necessary.
Thank you!! This worked wonders!!!!
Great to hear! Thanks!
I got a pretty good burn on the back of one arm (missed a spot) while working at a ranch yesterday. Just put some natural apple cider vinegar (the cloudy one) on, let it dry and put some coconut oil on and it feels great! No more stinging. We will see how it feels tomorrow.
Thanks for posting! My son turns 13 today and he did his own sunscreen at the water park yesterday and ended up with a miserable burn. He didn’t want to leave the house and wouldn’t even put a shirt on because of the pain. I just found your article and applied the apple cider vinegar and he feels a lot better. He said his pain went from a “7” to a “3”. Now he is ready to go something fun to celebrate his day. We’ll add the coconut oil tonight. thanks!
Good to hear! Thanks for sharing.
Whoa, is everyone using some magical apple cider vinegar? I burnt on accident today and it stings everywhere, so I practically ran for the vinegar. As soon as I applied it it stung so hard I almost cried. I didn’t burn particularly badly, so it can’t be that my burns are ‘too severe’.
Did you use it the same way, by putting it on an already wet washcloth (so the vinegar would be diluted with water)?
Extra strong black tea, cooled, then soak rags(it will stain), ring, place on the burned area. It draws the burn(pain) out. It was what was used in some hospitals originally for burn victims(1910s). And a bonus because of the staining, it can make you look like you have a great tan, too.
wrong kind of ring, I meant wring. Also, keep applying until the rag no longer gets warm to the touch after it’s been on your skin.
Wow this really works great! I tried it on my back and shoulders and it really helps! For more serious burns you should get medical attention, but if you can’t for some reason, raw honey is amazing on burns. Seriously good stuff, but kind of pricey to use on a large area. It prevents and heals infection, and will heal the burn quickly. If you don’t have honey or just need pain relief you can also use sliced raw potatoes on it, or a thin paste of corn starch and water. They’ll help with the pain, but won’t really do much for infection.
Be sure to note that while honey is a great wound healing product with natural anti microbial properties. It is intended for open wounds only. Generally after the blisters pop exposing the delicate underlying tissue. Don’t apply it to red skin that is intact as it will provide no true benefit. It’s great for any type of open wound as well. The natural enzymes debride dead tissue, kill germs and promote healthy wound healing. Good call on the honey.
Would it work with ordinary acv too?
My guess would be yes, but I always have the raw/organic kind on hand.
Doing this right now! Waiting for the ACV to completely dry then I’m applying the coconut oil. Already feels better! I will probably do this again in the morning just to continue to healing process. Fingers crossed for no peeling!
sunburnt myself a week ago, went online looking for remedies, found this one, said why not and gave it a shot.
while it didn’t work overnight exactly, it did help me heal up much faster than I thought possible. I used the vinegar for 3 days and the oil for 5 days.
the vinegar took away the pain and heat very quickly and kept it away each day. the coconut oil did the rest, and only my ears (which got the worst of the burn) peeled. the redness seems to be settling down into a decent tan, and I thought it would be a red, peeling mess for days.
would recommend this to others! =)
Nice! Thanks for sharing your experience!
Wow, gotta try this… as I always forget suncream. The one time I got burnt really badly on my shoulders we ended up using a cream from a friend who was having radiation treatment and used it for the burns. It was the only thing that worked. I think it was called Aqueous Cream.
I was out at my kids soccer tournament this weekend, and my face is like a tomato. I have very fair skin, along side rosacea. When I was younger I had 2nd degree sunburn from not reapplying sun block in an 8 hr period whoops! So I burn very fast. I had googled vinegar remedies for burns and found your page, looked in the cupboard and only have white vinegar, so I tempted your remedy. Soaked my skin, once it dried, I applied the coconut oil and went to bed. Smelled like a French fry forsure lol woke up and it looked faded but about an hour later I’m a tomato again. So I have no don’t the process again.
Question, when you apply the oil, is it supposed to stay greasy on your face/body? Like mines not soaking in at all, how often through the day should I wash off and continue the process would you suggest? I work from home so no problems here
I was going to post a picture of my sunburn I got over the weekend but it would not post:( Yes I should have done this and I should of done that but I can’t change it now.:( Believe me if I could I would. My knees are both swelled which makes it hard to walk. I keep geeting dizzy and just about lose my cookies when I go to move or stand up.Anyways Im not 100% sure but pretty sure I have 2nd degree burns:( I try the Apple Cider Vingar thing and I wish I would have thought of it yesterday when it stung so bad.;( I applied the Apple Cider and if definately helped with the on fire feeling. I just applied the Coconut Oil and it feels a lot better!! Only problem Im having trouble with is my knees and thighs are so swelled its very hard to walk.:( Hopefully my dizziness and feeling like im going to lose my cookies goes away fast!!! Any advice to help with that would be great!!! But at least the burning fire feeling is not so intense any more. Hopefully tomorrow it will feel a lot better. Thank you for the advice!!!;)
Do you have to use organic or would the regular stuff work as well
I’ve never tried anything but raw, organic ACV. I have heard of people having success with plain white vinegar, though.
I hoped that this great sounding two-step remedy would provide the amazing relief that the article and nearly all comments touted. I was an idiot yesterday and got the worst sunburn of my life on my legs on a 6-hour catamaran tour. No sunblock, no cover, no brains. Extremely red, luckily not blistering, but starting about 12 hours later, after sitting and resting, I couldn’t get up and walk due to severe pain in my legs. If I push through the pain, then after a few minutes I can start to walk, and the pain subsides as long as I keep moving slow and steady. However, the sunburn pain is still there. If I sit down, I have to start over working through the pain to walk. So I figure, my sunburn is very severe, but again, thankfully, short of second-degree burns. So no surprise, the ACV didn’t work any miracles for me. I’m still in pain, so I’ll hope things will get better overnight with rest and hydration and aloe gel. I’m not going to try the coconut oil in case that it, too, should NOT be used with my severe burn.
I was at the beach on Sunday, came home completely burnt. I took a cool bath and put cocoa butter on my burn. I went to sleep and woke up in pain, I took an Ib profen and put some vitamin E oil on my burn.. The sting is unbearable I checked my back and it’s starting to blister, it feels like a thousand pins on my shoulder and upper back. I seen this and ran to the kitchen grabbed the ACV and coconut oil. Mixed the ACV with cool water about 2 parts ACV one part water. Soaked a wash cloth and placed it on my shoulder the pain subsided Almost immediately repeated on the other side, when it dried I applied the coconut oil, being extra sensitive over the
Blisters. I can honestly say that I might actually get some sleep tonight.
Just spent the whole day gardening and related stuff at 30C so I googled and tried your method. My arms are bright red, but painless..THANK YOU!
Please someone reply back! This is the first time i tried it and i don’t know if its suppose to be washed off or not! Its been about an hour and its still very greasy and its visible.
Help please! My face got really sunburned and so i tried this but i don’t know if you’re suppose to wash off the coconut oil or leave it on to dry! Its been an hour and its still slick and greasy.
Sounds like you used way too much. The amount I use absorbs into my skin within minutes. Hope you feel better soon!
I just recently tried this due to a bad sunburn on my back and when I did the vineger it made it hurt even worse and made it itch like crazy. Did I do something wrong??
Did you dilute the vinegar? For a really bad burn, you may need to dilute it more than I did (by simply using a washcloth wet with water).
This worked for me! I had a bad sunburn (though not as serious as having blisters, thankfully) and used this as soon as I found it online. I’m guessing it’s for mild sunburns so it makes sense that the healing would be quick. I was sunburned all over: shoulders, back, arms, thighs (they suffered the most) and legs and it didn’t happen overnight. However, I did see a significant change the next day and my skin was much happier
Will continue this remedy because this Caribbean sun is no joke! Thanks a lot!
Just tried this on my crappy burn I got yesterday my legs were so uncomfortable until now the apple cider took the sting right out!! It lessened the sting on my tummy and chest and a little on my face but I greased up with.coconut oil and feel better already! Thanks so much!!
Thank you so much for this! I wanted to let you and your readers know that yesterday I didn’t several hours at the pool with my daughter. We were having so much fun I didn’t realize how red I’d gotten. I came home and took a cold shower followed by a heavy dose of green goop. By bedtime I was miserable.
Well, just the other day I’d picked up some coconut oil after reading about it’s benefits. It was on my bathroom counter as I was getting ready for bed. So I thought maybe the coconut oil would help with the burn so I googled it and your page came up.
I followed your instructions exactly and this morning, although I’m still a bit pink, I’m nowhere near as red and I’m not in any pain. I’m going to do the process again today but so far I’m amazed!
Thank you so much!! You saved my holiday weekend from being miserable!
Wow, I’m so glad! Thank you for sharing your story!
I don’t exactly have vinegar on hand because we rented a vacation house, but i do happen to have vitamin E, and i could probably get regual vinegar at a local grocery store. I burnt my back and hips at the beach, and it’s been over 24 hours now. It just woke me up this morning feeling like someone scraped off my skin, but it isn’t blistering like a 2nd degree burn. I have an aloe gel but it only seems to provide temporary relief and a sticky back
. Hopefully the vitamin E and vinegar will work!
I’ve heard that “Burn Free Gel” works on sunburn if there is a Walgreens or something like that where you are. I’ve been using it for the last couple days, but because I have a lot of scars where I got burned, the skin is super sensitive and it hasn’t been as helpful as it normally is…I’m using this ^ remedy right now, and it seems to be helping
Your sunburn is probably gone by now (I hope!) For the future, though, white vinegar does work. Apple cider just smells a bit better and stings Slightly less. You might toss green tea bags in your bag for the next vacation as the tea tannins are good for healing a burn as well and the tea is easily portable.
Hey ~ thanks so much! I have vitiligo and refuse to do the chemical bath of sunscreen. I have no melanin left in my skin, so I no longer tan (on the happy note, I’m not a spotted person anymore :). I cooked myself today and this technique worked like lucky charms ~ thanks a million!! The burn is warm but not stinging. Nice!
Hi! I’ve had a shoulder sunburn for the past three days, and it’s kept me from sleeping. I tried this last night, but I just dabbed the apple cider vinegar on, I forgot to use a cool cloth, and I slept through the night, but woke up early with it still hurting. I reapplied everything (correctly) this AM, hopefully I’ll have better luck this time
I think the quicker you do it, the better it works. If you started three days after you had the burn, it might not be as effective. That’s just my guess!
ButterBeliever is right – 3 days after is going to reduce the effectiveness. The vinegar should be wet on the skin and then you’ll reapply once it dries – I use a spray bottle or cotton ball. It’s going to sting, just a head’s up. After three days I’d go with aloe and coconut oil.
Oh My Gosh THANK YOU!!!
This worked so good! Thank you so much!
Much Love,
What kind of coconut oil are we talking about? From the grocery store for cooking or from a summer section in CVS?
The kind that you eat, from a grocery store.
Hello! Thank you for these remedy, will try but have a few questions. I am getting sunburn very easily, especially my face and decollete area. Have very sensitive and hard to tan skin(
Have a few questions. First, can I use these remedy on my face (apple cider)? Apple cider is it one time use at first and then just using coconut oil or everyday apply apple cider and then coconut oil? Please reply and thank you
You can use apple cider vinegar on your face. You might consider a brimmed hat to keep your face shaded or use a higher spf sunblock. Just know the vinegar is going to sting. I apply it with a cotton ball and diluted with green tea. You shouldn’t need the vinegar beyond day 1.
I pop 400 mg ibuprofen to work on the heat and swelling, then pour a large glass of water to drink while I work on the remedies:
Green tea (black works, too)
Apple cider vinegar
Lavender essential oil
Peppermint essential oil
Aloe Vera
Brew the tea strong and let cool. Aloe immediately while prepping the rest.
Mix together:
2 T aloe
8 drops lavender
4 drops peppermint (start with 2 and test before going up to 4)
Slather on as needed. The peppermint feels especially nice when air hits it so I keep a fan on.
Mix together:
1 C cooled Tea (it’s the tannins that are really good so the bottom most portion is where it’s at)
Apple cider vinegar – this is going to sting so my daughter usually forgoes – about ¼ cup
Because I’m usually tender I avoid the washcloths and put it in a spray bottle. Repeat the following: spray, let dry, spray, let dry . . . . You’re going to smell Fabulous /sarcasm but you’re far less likely to peel and it heals the burn faster than aloe alone.
Not sure if it actually works for me yet, but if you’re worried about smelling like vinegar, the coconut oil is completely overpowering. I smell like a tropical vacation.
Haha! Yes that is a bonus.
Currently sitting in a lukewarm bath with 2 cups of the raw/organic apple cider vinegar. It stung like a you-know-what getting in but I’m feeling ok after 5-10 mins. Will try the coconut oil when I get out. Hopefully this works. I suffered today and had to go out without a bra (LOL) if things work out I’ll make another post to let you know!
I am laying in bed right now wishing I could try this. I was at the beach for three hours yesterday and while I put on sunscreen initially and wore a sunhat I stayed in the same sitting position the entire time and now I have these nice big sun burned patches on my upper legs and on my right shoulder down the front around my armpit. That one is bareable but the ones on my legs burn and sting quite a bit. I’ve been using aloe and it never occured to me to use coconut oil which I have (a nice big tub of it.) I’m pretty sure I have ACV too so I will be trying this in the morning for sure. I too will make another post if this works out for me too.
My face is the colour of that first shoulder currently. Is there any cure from really bad burns??? I go to school tomorrow and I got the burn yesterday!!! How do I prevent peeling and stop my face from looking like Rudolphs nose?!
This is great advice and the ACV is a miracle!!! I had a sunburn and the next day it was almost gone. WARNING though- in case you are unfamiliar with ACV (as I was), it smells putrid. Horrid. Terrible. Disgusting. But it really works. Tradeoffs I guess
This is working great…but my dog wont stop licking me as I try to sleep! I think there should be a small disclaimer: Don’t walk by a dog-park after lathering yourself full of coconut oil!
Really good information!
Thank you for sharing
However as a paramedic I do have to point something out…sorry
This is not a 3rd degree burn and if you did have a 3rd degree burn I would recommend getting evaluation from a doc due to increased risk of infection. But great info for sunburns.
hi, I’m in Fiji at the moment and got a bit sunburnt, I could only find coconut oil in the bottle, not the oil in the jar. Will it still do the same thing?!
I use good old Milk of Magnesia. I realize it’s not the most all natural or hippie happy treatment. But, it works SO well! Instantly draws away heat, heals the red overnight, and feels pretty darned good going on.
Peaches and cream skin, that burns with just a hint of sun – now a calendula and lavender salve (with honey) and then a cool tomato cut in half and wiped across my burnt skin takes out the heat and redness quite quickly.
Last time I used this method but without the coconut oil, the vinegar I used healed the sunburn completely in hours but it also dehydrated and sicken myself, I ended up vomiting all night until I went to the hospital, and got medicine. I was sick but the sunburn was completely gone.
I got burnt on my arms and its been really sore, if I used the vinegar and the oil will it sting?
Hi all,
My back and soulders got burnt while snorkelling yesterday. Im so sick of sunscreen factor 50 telling me its 4 hours water resistant on the bottle and then never working.
I have very fair (irish) skin and I dont tan I just go back to white after a burn, although their is usually a not so nice pinkish stain in the shape of the burn that never leaves!
I have a snorkel tour today and a dolphin swim tomorrow booked!! So in desperation I sat in my car last night and googled fast remedy for sunburns and found this. I bought organic unrefined cider vinegar and organic coconut oil.
I followed the instructions as per this blog (only I applied more than a little vinegar to the damp cloth). I found great relief from the stinging sensation instantly. It dried and I covered myself in the coconut oil which smells beautiful. This morning my back wasnt as tight or sore as it usually is after a burning. It still stung and felt tight and is as bright red and raw looking as it was last night. I took the cider vinegar (from the fridge) this morning, stood in the shower cubicle and poured it over my back and shoulders (ouch). I let it dry and have slathered myself in the coconut oil again. Im sitting here now willing round 2 to work.
Has anybody any advice re results for very fair skin? Anything I can add to my sunburn care routine. I dont care how it looks I just want to enjoy my tours which are booked and paid for.
I went out to te river for the last day my cousins were up and applied sunscreen everywhere to my fve but missed my hair line that’s the only place that got burnt and I am in real pain!!! Do you wash the acv off before you put coconut oil on ot or do you leave it I have got the acv on at te moment!!! Please help
I get really bad sunburns because I have fair skin, and this worked a treat for me!
I got the supplies to do this remedy today, but I did not get organic coconut oil. will that effect the quality at all? Also, my burn is about a day and a half old. Does the time effect it?
do we shower or do we just leave the coconut oil on and sleep all greasy like this..??
you could shower it off..i wouldnt want to smell all greasy like that when i went to bed lmao..but im pretty sure you could use the coconut oil when you get out of the smells wonderful and would leave your skin feeling hydrated
I have used the vinegar before and it works like advertised. Just tried the coconut oil and now I am hurting and itching like crazy. I think I will just stick with the vinegar and tea concoction for now. I guess it doesn’t help that I have a burn on top of a burn.
Could I use this on my acne prone face?
I did what you said and it seems to be working. It itches very badly and its still greasy. I hope I didn’t use too much. PLEASE REPLY ASAP!
You are dumb
Any mild acid like apple cider vinegar or lemon juice works wonders!
Your skin’s ph is naturally acidic so damaged skin heals much faster with a little acid assistance. I just take a bottle of lemon juice and a NEW kitchen sponge and lightly dab the entire burn. DO NOT DO THIS IF OPEN BLISTERS OR ANY BREAKS IN THE SKIN!!! It will probably still be beneficial to speed healing, but ever hear of lemon juice in a paper cut? Well now think of a thousand paper cuts-and add lemon juice. On the up side you might pass out from the intense pain and not feel a thing for a while. But for 1st degree sun or welding burn….lemon juice and stay hydrated. Gone in a day…two at the most.
For severe burns, go to any industrial safety gear place and buy a product called “ICE”. It should be a part of a welding specific first aid kit. It’s an aerosol spray and if you have a bad burn it is better than sex…much better. I got changed out of my work clothes, put my street shoes on,but then decided to make that one last cut to finish the job. But since it was just a quick job didn’t bother to put my boots etc. back on. The slag from cutting steel with an oxy/acetalyne torch pooled on the lip of the I-beam before dripping off,rolling down my jeans and ending up in my shoe and melting into my ankle. I immediately kicked off my shoe but had to get a pair of pliers to rip the recently molten metal off without burning my hand to get rid of it. Now obviously this is worse than any sunburn will ever be, but this “ICE” product instantly cooled the burn and relieved the pain of that burn so I got a can for myself. Ive used it on UV welding burns (similar to a bad sunburn)and it is,like I said earlier…better than sex. I don’t think it aids healing, but it definitely cools and kills the pain.
This combinations works awesomely!!!!! I was giving riding lessons and i was only out in the sun for hour and half…well it was the first nice day with clear skys… When i was done i was little burned…. Then i went to my next job and forgot to take care of my skin and it cooked untill it waa done and i was even more redder… I had a concert the,next day and the aloe goo wasnt working.. I tried the combination of apple cider vinegar then a mix of coconut oil and peppermint oil after…i went to bed woke up and my arms were half tanned….it works awesome….im still little red but it doesnt burn at all…. Thanks for sharing your secrete
Is it OK for lousana coconut oil
How long do I let this sit before I can take a shower?
Yeah I just got a sunburn today so I don’t know the outcome but for my remedy I mixed lotion, aloe vera gel, and white vinegar and it took out the burning in 2 minutes (I know her remedy said immediately but I had these ingredients in my house and my teachers recommended those ingredients so I was like ‘why don’t I just mix them together’ and so I did.)
My daughter got a pretty bad sunburn while she and her husband were outside all day yesterday. We tried your sunburn remedy and it worked great! I highly recommend this treatment for all sunburns! The next day it didn’t hurt at all and was mostly gone! Thanks for the great tip!
Thank you so much!!! We were out at an animal rescue event yesterday and my arms were completely burnt (to the point my husband was sure I would blister). We used the your method and my arm is over halfway healed this morning, and I currently have a second round of treatment on my arm. I am sharing this with others. Again, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you sharing this remedy!!!
I got a sunburn yeasterday and I put aloe gel on as soon as I got out of the shower, but my skin felt tight and dry. Tonight I tried this remedy, except I put the water and ACV in a spray bottle so I could get my back by myself. It seems to be working great so far. Almost all the heat from my skin is gone!
Natural Vinegar is effective too?
I wish I could upload a picture. My daughter has badly burnt yesterday on her back. I found this around 11 pm and it is now 840 am. I followed these steps and she looks so much better. She still has some pink but not even 12 hours later and so much of a difference. Thank you so much for this miracle worker.
Was outside doing farm work and shoulders got burned pretty good. Tried just the coconut oil and it worked for me. Woke up with mildly sore shoulders and i can actually touch it
I used the ACV on my 13yo daughter’s facial sunburn. I put it on her right cheek to start and she screamed in pain and started crying! I immediately rinsed the washcloth and got most of the ACV off. The coconut oil helped and she stopped crying.
I would say the ACV had the opposite affect on her causing pain instead of relief.
I bought the same kind you have pictured as well as the coconut oil too.
Any ideas as to why she had the opposite reaction?
This works really great. The apple cider vinegar takes down the heat and sooths really well. I have always used vitamin E oil in the past but I think the coconut oil leaves my fair ginger skin with a more natural glow/tan while healing.
I am trying this out on my 5yr old today! Yesterday he was in the pool all day, and he typically wears a swim shirt and didn’t. Last night he was red & sore, today his upper body was beyond burned and he was crying in pain. I typically use coconut oil as a moisturizer for my kids (for eczema) and googled Aloe vs Coconut oil for sunburn and found this. My son was skeptical on the “stinky” vinegar and it was hard enough getting his shirt off! To apply I wet a washcloth with cool water and wrung it out. then I put ACV in spray bottle and misted it on the washcloth. he laid on his stomach and I put the washcloth on him in “patches”. he said it felt really good. we left the washcloth on for about 2-3 minutes per spot. then Coconut oil … i had to really grease him up because my hands touching him send him to hysterics! So we got the oil on, then a loose tshirt, some motrin … and he is laying in bed (at 5pm) watching tv. I’m really hoping he sleeps well and wakes up pain free. I can update in the morning!
Earl Gray tea is a new method I found that works. Fill a bowl with the tea and douse a washcloth with it. Lay it over the burn for about 20 minutes and the redness will slowly turn into a tan. Make sure to cool the burn first with ice water and apple cider vinegar.
The sunburn I got at the pool today burns so bad I am literally sick I went to the store and bought some aloe vera gel and aloe after sun lotion.neither one of them worked at all. I’ve been so miserable. I looked up sunburn remedy and found your post and I noticed I had all the ingredients right here at the house so I tried it about an hour ago and it really works thank you so much for sharing this
What of you don’t use coconut oil?
OMG… This totally works… I had my doubts but found out itworks beautifully!!!!!
TIPS: use apple cider vinegar with “the mother” and also use extra virgin coconut oil
– also that peppermint REALLY helps with soothing, cooling, and healing!!!
I give a 100 for this one! nice job katie
Just tried this out for a wicked sunburn i got yesterday. Doesnt hurt as much!
How long until I wash off this coconut oil?? Or am I supposed to stay all greasy?? Also I didn’t have any vinegar so I only used the oil. Will I still get the same results?
Can you use balsamic vinegar?
Okay so I got a horrible sunburn on my back, and I’m a very white white person (never tan). And I didn’t even notice it until the night that I got it. My mom was even like “Oh my gosh what did you do to yourself that looks horrible?!” So after aloe vera I naturally looked up essential oils to get rid of a sunburn (and I actually only have 4 of them, including lavender and peppermint) and this is the first thing to come up. Usually these internet theories never work for me, but I thought I’d give it a shot because what could I lose?? So I applied the cold water, raw apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, peppermint/lavender oil, exactly as this said to do, with curiosity. Now, I’m sitting here writing this, the next morning, shocked by how much it has healed my sunburn… My mom doesn’t even believe in any oils, but she saw this and her jaw dropped. Thank you so much for the amazing tips!
My 4yr old daughter just got her first sunburn from over the 4th of July. She is extremely fair skinned and It’s completely my fault for her sunburn. I didn’t realize I forgot to put sunscreen on her until after she had been swimming for awhile, and most likely the damage was already done. The only place that she really complains of is her back. It’s not her whole back just the lower part. This is now day 3 and she is still screaming and crying. She won’t allow me to touch it, and she refuses to wear clothes. I give her children’s Ibuprofen regularly throughout the day and the only thing she will halfway allow me to do is spray on Solarcaine with the cool aloe and lidocaine in it. Other than that I don’t know what else I can do for her to take away the pain. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the cure. Just got back from nj shore and I could not walk from the sunburn on my legs from my thighs to the top of my feet. I felt a lot of relief with the vinegar but the 3 oils mixed together did the trick. No more stinging and I can actually walk in less then 2 hours after this treatment. I am so grateful. Thanks again
For the first burn of the year, back in Mayish, I was desperate to find relief for my sunburn. I’m fair skin, but after a burn I get nice and tan! Coconut oil and the apple cider vinegar works so great!! The results are amazing. I actually just got a nasty burn on my leg today and knew just what to do. Within 2 hours after applying the two products, my skin had gone to super red to a much lighter shade….and that’s withing just 2 hours! Hopefully by tomorrow it’ll be mostly gone. Fingers crossed
Are we supposed to shower a certain amount of time after we do this are we supposed to just sleep all night greasy?
I used this recipe and I have some slight modifications although it did heal my sunburn overnight! The apple cider vinegar didn’t help much it just made my face sting. I would recommend just using a cold damp towel on the sunburned area for a couple minutes. After that put coconut oil on the area and rub it in. Even if it looks pretty greasy keep rubbing it in every few minutes or so and then if it still looks greasy/feels after 30 minutes from when you first put it on, take the excess oil off with a wet towel.
Thank you for the guidance. I burned on the sunbed yesterday, I’m so sore I can’t walk. Took a cool bath with apple cider vinegar and then dabbed coconut oil with essential oils on a cotton wool on the badly burned areas. I’m lying in a cool darkened room. The bad sting is gone, however certain areas still a bit sore. I’ll keep on re-applying today, I’m writing exam on Thursday!
my eyes and upper lips are very black…and rest my color is fair…. what to do? Doctor told me that its unburn…
How long will it take for the sunburn to heal if I do this?
My trick doesnt soothe the sting bit it does heal the burn really quickly.and every one has the ingredient for this one. Basically get a cup of cold water and put 2 teabags in the cup and put in the fridge straight away after a while grab one of the tea bags and rub over the burn frrquently and before u go to bed it should be healed in the morning
Thanks for sharing this I just had some really bad sunburn it’s healing so well thank you!
I used this remedy last night and it didn’t work at all. I have bad burns on my shoulders and back and after using this there was no difference at all. I followed the instructions but it’s still extremely painful to move my shoulders and touch anywhere on my back. I have pale skin, and when tanning at the beach my friend and I both accidentally put on sun tan lotion (thinking it was sunscreen) and stayed out in the sun for a few hours. We’re both badly burnt, her more than me because I had put sunscreen on earlier that day. Please help us! We’re on spring break and the burns are ruining our experience.
I used to never burn as a kid I spent way too much time outside and usually tanned gradually as the months got warmer. As an adult, I spend way too much time indoors during the winter so I always seem to burn once or twice in the spring and early summer before I start tanning. Yesterday I spent a few hours at an outdoor concert in a local park and burned worse than I have in several years. My remedy is close to yours but I add a few steps. First, I use the water and apple cider vinegar soak, then I apply a washrag with whole milk or a small amount of plain yogurt to the burn. Both these steps help sooth the burn and the milk or yogurt replenish some of the moisture your skin has lost. Gently wash the yogurt off with a bit more of the water and vinegar mix then apply aloe rubbing it in well before applying the coconut oil.
So i tried this after getting a terrible, terrible burn. Yesterday morning I only had aloe and ACV so I used those and it didn’t really seem to help. So last night I got the coconut oil and lavender and peppermint and put it on before bed. By the time I woke up just a bit ago, I’m in so much pain again but the redness DID subside. I did the routine again just now before work and the ACV made me burn really badly but doesn’t seem to be stopping the sting at all. Hopefully the coconut oil and essential oils will help the redness again.
I’m in the army and have an APFT (physical fitness test) tomorrow so I’m really hoping that doing this today right now and then again before bed will help.
I know this is an older post, but vinegar does help pull the sting out. Then aloe, then I have an oil blend of coconut, olive, and avocado. I added lavender, tea tree, peppermint and Tamanu, along with a little bit of raspberry seed oil, as the latter two oils have skin healing and anti-inflammatory properties. It was a pretty bad burn, but this oil blend cooled it off pretty quickly, and I am optimistic that it will heal without peeling, due to the nourishing oils.
To all those asking- leave the oil on. It is very good for your skin. Coconut is antimicrobial and can help heal scrapes, minor lacerations, and rashes. I use it for lots of things, including taking off my makeup, followed with a warm washcloth. Don’t need soap at all.
the vinegar is sooooooooooo gooooood.
How long do I leave the cocconut oil on?
I tried this but it did not work. I got burnt really bad yesterday and I look like a lobster. When I applied the vinegar it stung and felt good than after I was done it just went right back to what it felt like before, painful. Is there anything else I could do to help this burn?
You said was supposed to heal the stinging instantly right?
But really I tried the vinegar and it still hurts but I’ll wait until tomorrow to see if this actually works for me but it’s there ANY else I can to to get ride of redness and pain overnight or is there something I’m doing wrong maybe?
Please help
This kind of worked for me. Having very sensitive skin, I’m normally very pale. The Vinegar burned my skin more than the sunburn did, so we went on the the oils. As they sank in they stung a little, but i could tell it was helping the burns a lot. So just a heads up, if you have sensitive skin like me, don’t do the vinegar step.?
What do we use if we don’t have coconut oil?
Well I was sunbathing naked today and there’s a couple hours after I start turning red I search this put the apple cider vinegar on me then my skin start feeling more hot and now it’s starting to get better I put the coconut oil on after the apple cider vinegar Dried I used the cooking coconut oil but I’m kinda greasy but got a question when healing do I turn a little red and another thing when you have sunburn on the private parts the vinegar is going to hurt bad
But I’m a dancer and have to work tomorrow night and can’t be red at work how long does it take before it goes away cuz I need it gone before tomorrow night where this work it’s not a super bad sunburn
Right now I’m starting to see Tiny blisters on my shoulders it seems like it’s getting redder and redder by the minute
I put the apple cider vinegar on me play much soak in it did the aloe vera gel that I always keep in the fridge and the freezer I did a coconut oil on it I even did the black tea what am I doing wrong it seems like it’s getting worse
Can u just use regular vinegar.
Yes. I have found ACV to work the best, but any vinegar will help.
So I jus tried this and may back is literally as red as a fire truck (I actually compared it to a fire truck) well it is so sitting and I can actually lay down and it’s wonderful 10/10
I’m trying this out if it works I’ll be really greatfull
Is this safe for kids?
“And yet, with all these in place, no matter how sun-experienced you are, burns can still happen. Now that I live in the only seasonally-sunny Pacific Northwest, I have been missing out on another effective means of sunburn prevention—a suntan!”, butterbeliever
That last statement, about a suntan being an effective means of sunburn protection, is absolutely incorrect! I cannot imagine why anyone would make such an ignorant statement. Any “tan”, from the sun or tanning booth, means that you have damaged your skin. It is never okay to advocate tanning and make such blatantly false claims that it is protection from sunburn. Also, you can get burned all over again even if your skin is tanned from a previous burn. Which causes even more damage! Damage that could potentially become deadly, in the form of skin cancer. If you go outside, wear a sweat/water resistant sunscreen with uv/uva protection w/SPF of at least 50+(do not forget to protect lips, ears, & scalp), wear a hat,wear sunglasses, and wear clothing to cover exposed skin whenever possible to prevent direct exposure especially on cloudy days. This also applies even if you’re in a vehicle. Have your windows tinted, including the windshield. Tinted windows/windshield makes a tremendous difference.
I just woke up at 3:30am to the stinging of my sunburn from a day earlier… hence me searching natural remedies and finding my way here! It has been wonderful reading all the advice. About a half hour after my sun exposure, I began to feel that familiar tingling, itching sensation that you feel right before you realize you’ve been burnt, so I immediately took a cool shower. Afterwards, I moisturized with coconut oil and used an ice pack. Too bad I didn’t already know about apple cider vinegar because as time went on, that dreadful sting returned with a vengeance! I couldn’t sleep because the pillow, the bed, the sheets, and my clothes were all competing with each other in rubbing in (quite literally!) the sting of my inadequate choice of sun protection the day before. Uhg.. I knew better and was now paying the price!!! Out of pain and desperation, at 3:30am I fumbled through my son’s diaper bag a grabbed…yes… his diaper rash cream! Lol! Now fortunately I don’t recall what diaper rash feels like first hand… but it’s gotta be similar, I reasoned! I didn’t have time to think! I needed something to soothe the pain and I needed it NOW! I was AMAZED!!!! Hallelujah! It WORKED!!! It seriously erased the pain. I say “erased” and not masked because the ingredients are clean and pure, and all natural. Too many to list here but it includes frankincense and myrrh…truly fit for a king if you ask me! It’s called Baby Head to Toe Ointment by Shea Moisture. With ingredients such as raw shea, chamomile & argan oil, etc., etc., I can’t be certain which one(s) deserve the credit, but I’d say they ALL do! I understand that not many people are going to have diaper rash cream on hand… But there are also many who may not have apple cider vinegar on hand either. For me, this ointment is a keeper even AFTER my son is done with diapers!
Just as an FYI, it’s difficult to surpass a 1st degree rating via a sunburn and though not impossible, it’s highly unlikely. The easiest way to think of degrees is:
1st Degree – Skin layer/Sun damage
2nd Degree – Nerve & Fat layer
3rd Degree – Muscle & Bone layer
I just left a note about burn degrees and should make a correction: technically 4th degree burns thru the muscle and bone, and 3rd degree burns thru the full thickness of all layers and can expose muscle or bone. 4th degree burns muscle and bone.
Does regular vinegar work the same way? Or does it have to be Apple Cider Vinegar?
Emily, I was skeptical… did it anyway… ACV + Coconut oil as suggested. Feels good on the bald nuggie! I won’t lie… hoping tomorrow morning it won’t look like a bright red tomato!
Apparently Hawaii sun will burn you THROUGH STORM CLOUDS!!! Argh!
Cheers, SP Lloyd
Aw, well I’m glad the nuggie is better. Lol.
Worked like a charm
Didn’t have peppermint oil so had to do with just lavender but still good. Felt like one of those buff fitness models you see in magazine stands when looking at myself in the mirror (the coconut oil)
Do you leave the coconut oil on overnight or should I wash it off after I rub it on?