Well, guys, you’ve kinda failed me on the whole… submitting-your-meal-plans-to-me-so-I-can-put-them-up-here-in-my-cool-new-series-I-was-so-excited-about thing! Nah, I’m just kidding. I know that most of us are meal-planner wannabes, not meal-planner pros, so there might not be many of you out there with a weekly plan to contribute yet. Also, my bribery list of goodies to give you in exchange…
I’m Going on the GAPS Diet
I’ve mentioned in previous posts and ramblings on Facebook and Twitter, that I’m planning on going on the GAPS diet — or the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Nutritional Protocol. I’m starting to realize that to those who may be unfamiliar with GAPS, hearing a Real Fooder spouting off about going on some “diet,” may sound…
Meal Plan Monday! 1/16/12
Welcome to our very first installment of Meal Plan Monday! I’m taking submissions from readers for this series in exchange for a free e-book and 10 bonus entries into our next giveaway. But for this week, I had a reader suggested that I go first, so, here goes! I use Plan to Eat for my meal…
Sunday School: Real Food Link Love + Blog Carnival #11
Hey everyone! Welcome back to Sunday School! This is our weekly time to teach, learn, share, and reflect on all that is Real Food blogland. I’ll start by posting my usual blurbs and links to my latest favorite blog posts, followed by featured submissions to the carnival, then opening it up for links! Lesson…
Monsanto’s GMOs Alter DNA of Bacteria to Produce Pesticides in your Gut
The scariest thing about GMOs, to me, is that we really don’t know much about them. There’s almost no concrete evidence out there that proves the danger of consuming GM foods to humans. Wonder why that is? There has only been one study done on the effects of GMOs in humans. ONE. And a pretty…
I think I want a tiny cow.
Yes, as in, miniature. They exist, I promise. (Miniature giraffes, sadly, do not.) I’ve been doing my research and I’m pretty sure I would love nothing more than a miniature Jersey heifer calf. You guys — take a LOOK. At. This. Face. (image credit: South Side Stables) That is a real animal. It really is,…
Announcing: Meal Plan Mondays!
We’re gonna have a little something new happening around here — Meal Plan Mondays! I thought since I’m always looking for meal inspiration, and drive myself crazy if I don’t plan my meals, I’m probably not the only one who could benefit from seeing how other Real Fooders do it — and get a peek…
Sunday School: Real Food Link Love + Blog Carnival #10
Hey everyone! Welcome back to Sunday School! We had a little break there for the holidays, but it’s time to get back to class. This is our weekly time to teach, learn, share, and reflect on all that is Real Food blogland. Let’s get straight to our featured submissions to the carnival from last time,…
Lessons Learned in 2011
This past year was a really important one for me. It was the start of something I’ve now devoted myself to for the rest of my life — a real, traditional foods lifestyle. It was the year I started this blog, which has taught me far more than the food science program I thought…
Sugar-Free Almond Roca Crunch Ice Cream
My mother brought to our family Christmas dinner at my aunt’s house, a lovely little platter of almond-roca-style toffee — made with no refined sugar whatsoever. It was delicious! She also made the glass dish on which it was served. Not that she wanted to brag about it via my writing, or anything. Well, when…